
I thought the live action show was fantastic...Patrick Warburton is the perfect fit for the Tick. If you don't recognize his name you would definitely recognize him by his other roles.

I feel like another battle mode could basically be a new, cuter version of some classic car-fighting game like

I think its similar to the DS to the DSi. The DSi had a faster processor and more ram than the DS, plus it had the camera. There were a few games that came out exclusively for it not to mention it had an online shop for games. That was a considerable upgrade despite technically being a part of the same family (DS).

The initial comparison to the SNES colored buttons seems more accurate given the colors and placement are identical. The Gamecube controller doesn't line up quite as well with it.

But still...Smash...UAAAAGH!

The logos in the images (from the original article linked in the beginning of this one) have the accented "New" at the top making it seem like it is an official part of the name. Is there something else that indicated that wasn't going to be the case?

Built in NFC should be its own section in this article.

When you were a kid, did you ever try watching HBO through all the distortion (non-subscribers got a distorted nearly unwatchable channel) just so you might get a glimpse of a booby? Maybe this analogy doesn't mean anything to you...but if this turns out to be bad its going to be exactly like that for me. I'm still

I used to think the c-stick was for people that couldn't handle the Direction+A method. As the pro smash scene grew large enough I learned a lot of professionals use both methods as the c-stick can make a few advanced techniques much more feasible.

Which characters were missing? Aside from the Miis which aren't displayed if customization is disabled.

That is unfortunate. I wonder how many people won't get a 3DS this holiday because they are waiting for the new model? Obviously it will still sell, but I wonder how much less it will sell due to this announcement.

Watch the shulk reveal video and pause at about 1:44. That's shulk in his bathing suit.

Yeah, I want that white coloring for the new xl. The black and blue models would also look better with the colored buttons too though.

All adopters have been served right...early and late. Shit I've been served right more times than I can remember.

Fuck. I've been procrastinating on selling some of my other 3DS XL special editions. I was worries I better sell soon since a new model was undoubtedly on its way. But I didn't think it would be THIS different. I hope this doesn't drop their value too much =[

While everything you say is true, everything seems so overly dramatic. People are crazy.

Guess I'll be swimming with a knife from now on.

True that. Its not always about certainty its about probability.

I better start working on demonizing myself then because I'm pretty sure my caucasian ancestry was pretty unfair to my african ancestry.

She has good points about unnecessary sexualization at times, I've personally been weirded out by that at times. But I think condemning the depiction of violence against nameless females to enhance the story or environment is way too far. Those women are but drops in the sea of equally nameless men and creatures that