
You get FREE in game content and Nintendo makes money. Everyone grabs a pitchfork anyways.

Visit the artist website, look at the description of the photo series, then compare the artists description of the photo series to this article. A dose of research will show that the OP is to blame rather than the artist.

That is a good point...its unfortunate for the artist that despite listing the photo series as a tour of controllers dated by the time he first experienced them, the article makes up its own description of what its about. He never meant for it to be about the evolution of controllers =\

What's with everyone judging how he holds things? People hold things in different ways, hopefully you've witnessed this before in your life. As for the N64, I'll agree that majority of games used the middle and right sections, but there were games that used the outsides too so its not exactly wrong. Perhaps he

I hold the 2600 stick similar to that...left hand the same, my right hand presses against the base to give it full support and I use my thumb, index, and middle fingers to move the stick. If my hand gets tired I will switch to using my whole right hand on the stick while pressing the base against my right leg to give

Article describes it different than the artist does..."A photograph tour that shows the dates I first played this video consoles starting in 1983"

From the artist page: "A photograph tour that shows the dates I first played this video consoles starting in 1983"...Not your fault, the article is misleading...

The reason is because the article incorrectly describes the photo series. On the page for the series, the description says it is "A photograph tour that shows the dates I first played this video consoles starting in 1983"

Please update the article to reflect the artist description of the photo series:

"A photograph tour that shows the dates I first played this video consoles starting in 1983"

A lot of people are confused about the dates since they don't match up with the system release dates.

Angry Birds started as a cat toy? It all makes sense now...


Apparently I'm going to have to pop this in when I get home and replay it...I don't recall being too impressed. I got it out of a bargain bin though well after its prime time, probably didn't give it much of a chance at all.

Good point here. Its funny because you will see the exact opposite example with Final Fantasy. The main game entries have little to no relation, but they are all part of the same franchise.

The articles list isn't arbitrarily constructed based on the writers views...he explains how he only includes games with metacritic scores over 90 (fair or not, thus beetle adventure racing). I don't think you read the article at all...=\

Secondly...this list doesn't recognize what a franchise is. Mega Man Legends

Ganondorf and Ganon are the same entity in two forms. Its more fluid to just say Ganon instead of Ganondorf in the same way its easier to say Alex than Alexander. You're either being overly anal or pretentious (possibly both)

We are running in circles here and I don't think you get it. I understand what you are trying to say, but I do not agree with you and I don't believe you are correct in any fashion. You've done absolutely nothing to prove to me that I am incorrect. As far as I am concerned the original and current use and meaning

Nice job you apparently disregarded a part of my statement which indicates I'm fully aware of popular use but it is clear that I don't agree with you on it's popular use (neither does a google image search)

"If you want to disregard its etymological meaning, fine we can observe popular use to define the word. Brony, is

Whether that is actually true or not, you don't call girls bros. Bro is short for brother and brothers are males. That is just a fact. If you want to disregard its etymological meaning, fine we can observe popular use to define the word. Brony, is typically used to refer to a older male MLP fan, by an overwhelming

She hates both terms...they both misplace focus on the fan and their gender rather than the fandom itself

I guess my gf is a little more bitter and I dont blame her. Mlp is a childhood love of hers and she still loves it including the new series. What bothers her about the word brony is that its focused on the male fan rather than the fandom itself. I cant tell you how many times shes been excited about a rainbowdash