
Lol what? Captain Falcon isn't going to be replaced.

Really can't tell if you are trolling or if you are honestly that stupid.

Valuable resources are wasted on a man that took the lives of seventy seven people (Most fairly young). There's also the matter of consequence. When I was younger if my parents sent me to my room, I was glad. I was able to enjoy many thing in there and the punishment didn't mean much and did nothing to make me

You are assuming Norway's crime rate is exclusively (or at all) related to the relaxed sentences. There's no evidence supporting that claim. Even if you could support it, I doubt that is the only or even a remotely significant factor playing into the crime rate.

This man intentionally and gladly ended the lives of

I get an odd sensation of boundless frustration watching or participating in this...even though I know very well it could never have worked out from the very beginning.

Nice dodge! I guess all it takes to be a fan boy these days is to have an opinion.

I think people that are not impressed with his body shape feel the way they do because of a combination of things. The first and most important part being the significant change from the way he used to look to the way he looks here. Change can be good but changing something like that too much throws people off. The

A very successful trolling it would seem.

I always appreciated extra details in the manual that you might not get in the game. Extra bits on the story, character art/bios, enemy art/bios, etc.

No you idiot...they want to sell a product they think consumers will buy. Its business...deal with it.

Do you cry "gimmick" every time a company releases some non-standard product?

I feel like the term gimmick is often used as a negative term for "cheap tricks" to dupe consumers into thinking a product is more exciting than it is. I understand many out there disliked the wii remote controls or think the wii u gamepad is useless...but personally I always regarded both as earnest attempts to do

What facts? That PCs are ever evolving and will always be more powerful than consoles? Woooooo... The "Master Race" wouldn't have a problem with "Peasants" if they only realized no one gives a shit.

I do not think it was a fake letter. But I do think you are right about there being bias when it came down to selecting letters to read. I think he picked all poorly written/funny letters for wii and xbox, then very specifically chose a well written comment in favor of ps4 to read at the end. I think the short clip

You are incorrect. When it comes to acronyms, you uses the sound of the first letter rather the letter itself. It is AN en-ee-es. If you pronounce the acronym like ness or say the complete set of words (Nintendo Entertainment System) then I understand that you would use the indefinite article a. Although, from a

Seems like it could shake up the game a bit.

Its funny how people will always bitch about nintendo reusing/rehashing things for years. Then when they introduce a completely new and creative line of enemies...you people get mad that they changed something. Here's a thought buddy...at least appreciate the attempt at change and variety (whether good or bad)

Starfox really does need a new game....preferably along the same lines as the SNES and N64 titles.

I was thinking a 100% Star Wars smash-like game made by not-nintendo (whatever 3rd party disney pulls in). Kind of like TMNT Smash up only not bad.

I don't think its the violence that is troublesome. In FPS games you are just killing eachother in a bloody battle royale. But its a consensual battle where a group of players are testing their skills. This whole prey on the weak thing is what bothers me.