
Still feels like all the fight scenes are taking place in a video game world. A fight scene filmed outside in natural light instead of CGI Land would be a million times better.

Uhhhhhhhhh Bruce that pants situation...

Swap “Superman” with “Wonder Woman” and it makes more sense and reinforces the idea that the Wonder Woman movie is what Superman was supposed to feel like.

“Superman doesn’t just save people”

Can they just stop with this lame attempt to pretend that Superman won’t be in this movie? Everyone knows Cavill was filming, and Superman featured prominently in the first few months of marketing for this mess. Who do they think they’re fooling? Ugh.

That line totally threw me too. Like, what? Did you guys even watch your own movies before writing your new movie?

Clearly, they were referring to Christopher Reeves’ Reeve’s Superman. 

I’ll give it credit, the Flash/Barry lines were better than I expected.

“(Superman) didn’t just save people, he made them see the best parts of themselves”?

Actually, sorry to say it, but I didn’t forget that. I even included it in my post with “saved a few people while grimacing (and let them think him a god by not saying a word to them)”.

I think you could definitely argue that WB and Snyder have gravely misunderstood the DC characters in much the same way that Bay misunderstands the Transformers. Instead of appealing, recognizable characters doing heroic/villainous things, you have grungy figures with too much surface detail plunging through

Suffice it to say, it’s unearned to claim “Superman was a beacon of hope” or that the “world mourns him.” Two feature films, and the only hope he ever gave was maybe that 30-second montage in BvS, part of which he floated for an unusually long amount of time above people taking shelter on a roof and in desperate need


My big takeaway from this trailer is that Ezra Miller looks awesome as Barry Allen.

Okay. I finally get why people would buy a sexed-up Starfire or Supergirl statue. It all makes sense now!

I’m a need some more round in those mounds.

bless those buns

I think he could use just a touch more donk.

Not bad, but a tad flat. Should have contacted Nicola Scott:

Not that I have that archived on my phone or anything...