Gary Ballard

The Premier League teams that could have afforded (or needed) de Light do not ever like to see themselves as stepping stone clubs, but other than Man City and Liverpool, the rest of the big 6 would be. Even City and Liverpool know they are considered less prestigious than Barca or Real Madrid, with the only factors

It’s absolutely amazing to me that no one has stepped up to buy Bolton. I started watching football in 2006 after that season’s World Cup and Bolton were a firmly entrenched mid-table Premier League side. They have a good-sized stadium and even with their relegation to the Championship, there still should have been

The Blue Dog Democrats can rightly fuck off and die. The only reason they aren’t Republicans is because they can’t take the stink of OVERT racism and baby jails on their conscience, but are perfectly fine with continuing the practice of putting business interests ahead of worker interests. In a sane world, they’d

As a Liverpool fan, it’d have to be more like 30 cents on the dollar to take back Coutinho. He’d be a luxury/depth purchase for the team at best because they simply do not need him in the regular starting XI. As for Barca’s acquisition of Greizmann, while he is a great player, he doesn’t really solve the pressing

The Democrats need to learn that Trump is not the problem, it’s the GOP that supports and aids him and cowers to him and all his worst impulses at all times. They need to tie everything in the 2020 election to the GOP. Making it about Trump lets them pretend they can just go back to the “good old days” of the ‘80's

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I just have no idea what the fuck is up with the Barca hierarchy this off season. First, they sweet talk Greizmann enough to make him declare he’s leaving Athletico before anyone has even made a bid for him. Then this whole Neymar fiasco? Knowing that Suarez is just getting older fast, I understand why they want

I hope I’m not the only one who just wants to slap him every time his douchey looking hair flops across his face. I feel old just typing that.

I truly believe that some assholes won’t be happy until anyone who has not “succeeded” are forced to “succeed” in the literal fucking hunger games before they are even afforded citizenship.

This guy needed to learn the lesson my daddy taught me. “Don’t start no shit, but don’t take no shit.”

I actually think spring football could work. However, just like any business, you have to have the money to run the goddamn thing in hand. This dickhead and his cantankerous football surrogate daddy didn’t have a reliable source of funding, then went to another larger richer dickhead to get it. Larger, richer dickhead

Real has been floundering for years before last season though, and the only reason no one did anything about it was because they were winning the Champions League. Ronaldo’s brilliance was just about the only thing keeping them afloat and I wager if they’d lost the Champions League to Liverpool or the season before

I see the problem right there. It’s in plain (even Canadian) English.

You had ONE JOB, Rolfy.

All the goddamn stars.

As long as he represents some of the most sought-after basketball players, the owners will just have to pucker up and deal with him. And if he’s getting the best players the best deals (or the deals that make the player the happiest which isn’t always the same thing), then other players are going to want to be repped

He must have been a Giants draft pick.

I’ve served on three different juries, as foreman on two of them. I only once had to send instructions to the judge, mainly to ask if we had access to transcripts of the trial. Once I got a very particularly pedantic judge and had to redo our verdict that we handed to the judge. In none of the instances I served would

I’m not against replay as a principle, but fuck’s sake it’s gotten too much in the NFL. And I wholeheartedly agree with Drew about the spot foul part of PI - the spot foul bullshit is the thing that’s most wrong with the foul. Sure, it does get called too much (or not enough in the case of Saints v Rams) but if it

Everyone: Go on, Mets, just keep fucking that chicken.
Mets: Wait, we get chicken?