I had to create a burner just for this dumb post

Ah, good to see Kara’s still a racist in rio. I wonder what the racial composition of the USA men’s basketball team is? Shattering stereotypes, indeed.

Unlikely; it’s more likely that the pads are not accurate enough.


There is no “before the doping.” By most accounts he was doping back when he was doing triathalons. As a cyclist he’s always been exceptional.

Some cyclist get a bigger boost from EPO than others.

No. Moron.

Because you can’t even sit in a juiced peleton unless you are also juiced.

I really don’t think there should be ties for gold at the olympics. You’d think we have the technology to decide who actually won.

That’s pretty fucking funny, actually.

No idea who this guy is.


This post is really, really stupid.