
I’m sure people have said the same thing about innocent people put to death based on the information they thought they had. I won’t shed a tear for Manson but using them as a justification for the death penalty is dangerous.

Yes and no. Court rely on a fair amount of pseudo science masquerading as forensic science used to definitively convict people

Well, it is a good thing they didn’t arrest her for the bumper sticker then.

Look, it is certainly true that the Sheriff’s post was meant to intimidate her. At the same time, if you have an outstanding warrant, particularly a felony one, maybe don’t draw attention to yourself?

“I personally make it a point to delete sexts/e-mails from my gmail when relationships end. (Mostly because I, if asked, will be more than happy to let a girlfriend look at my gmail/facebook chat...I’ve got nothing to hide because i’m not a cheater. But her stumbling across nudes of a long lost ex could be weird.)“


the kissing account is much more damning than the photo which may or may not involve actual contact with literal body armor. It is like pretending to grope a helmet.

and miming relative to literal body armor.

That judges should have more training would apply to most nominees regardless of experience, so really what is your point? Moreover, even those that are trial lawyers specialize and soon have little grasp of other types of cases. A civil litigator will have little knowledge of criminal procedure and vice versa. A

Technically it is two 1 week programs and appellate judges are invited to the first part for district court judges as well. That is about 2 weeks more training than I got for my job as an attorney. All law is on the job training (in Europe it is even more so as lawyers still apprentice based on an undergrad legal

I do agree to some extent. However, judges do get a lot of training and no matter what career you are going to be out of depth when it comes to certain parts of being a judge. Sure familiarity with federal litigation practice is very helpful, but it also inserts a fair number of conflicts of interest that have to be

Well my criminal law professor was a former public defender, so the bases would have been covered with him!

Yes! It is his views and that he is unlikely to be impartial that got him the unqualified rating. We’ve had many good judges including on the Supreme Court who were not trial lawyers. Many law professors have never tried a case.

I don’t even thing I’d give them that much credit. It is strategic. It is too late to get someone else on the ballot. They are giving cover to all R’s to vote for him rather than let a D get elected for 6 years (instead they can boot him and then get another special election with a traditional R easily winning).

Clearly not an engineer.

Also nice to see the fact that they didn’t sign her for a multi-movie contract working in her favor.

I was around in the 80's. Maybe others were doing it, but usually people just took them in tablet form not trying to dissolve them in a drink. It was like E, people took them as happy pills.

they all took offered pills. Cosby never tried to sneak them into a drink...probably because that is a lot harder to do “hey, why is my drink fizzing with a white pill at the bottom?”

As someone who got a little crazy with drinking in my twenties I can completely attest to being “blacked out” while appearing to function normally. Interference with memory formation is not the same as consciousness. I’ve woken up wondering how I got home and finding out I successfully navigated several subway lines,

I agree with this completely, though I’m not sure being rumored to be a lesbian would be a career ender in 2005 unless you were only known for romantic roles.

Yes, I believe words have meaning. That means I sympathize with Ratner right? I also don’t let people get away with calling every shooter a “terrorist” because again words have meaning. Why is that hard to understand?

only if he knew she was gay. Otherwise it is just an insult. Words have meaning.