
sure, and that should extend to pesticides used in organic farming, which currently are not tracked in terms of volume of application. Dumping tons of copper and sulfur into the environment probably isn’t good either.

try doing it with 20,000 acres of cereals 

you seem to be changing the definition of “carrying capacity”. That we are overusing a resource, let’s say fisheries, is undoubtedly true, but it is not simply a causal relationship to population total. Fisheries decline depends on a combination of factors including insufficient regulations, “commons” problems,

I think you are wrong on the science. Since you continue to say “pesticides and herbicides” when one is a subset of the other, I don’t see much value in trying to show you where you are wrong here. So I guess it is an agree to disagree situation. Personally, I’m happy to have more and more glyphosate used because

Neither of your citations appear to say that the earth is incapable of supporting more than 7.5 billion people.

It looks like we are actually discussing different questions. Your citations are talking generally about the trends in the environment such as loss of wetlands and coral reefs. I don’t disagree with this but

The actual pattern of use was not tested for safety.”
Can you prove this statement?

Part of what you suggest doesn’t make scientific sense. It doesn’t matter if it is long term use if the constituent components break down quickly (like Roundup). Thus it is not only a matter of impracticability, which is real, but you

What it says and what you are saying are two very different things. You suggested “blind assumption” of safety without any testing. The very quote you pulled discusses laboratory and field testing already showing safety. The only suggestion made is whether or not there has been thorough testing of effects across a

“ humanity’s use of pesticides was blindly assumed to be safe without even bothering to check”

Even the article doesn’t make such a claim.  

In fairness, this article is written to suggest that all pesticides are bad whether by purposeful misreading of the Science piece or by not understanding it, we’ll have to see if the author chimes in (ha ha ha)

We are nowhere near the carrying capacity of the earth. We can feed then all just fine if we had the right means of distribution and preservation in place.

There is no evidence that “pesticide is killing us”. Roundup is vastly safer than the pesticides used decades ago. None of them are “agent orange-esq”. Do you have

Even organic farming uses pesticides. I find it hard to believe that you can get equivalent yields without using any pesticides.

The article, which is more of an opinion piece than research, does not indicate that the use is harmful, just that they want more studies on whether widespread effects are different from small footprint trials.

Sounds like someone is still weepy over his review being ignored.

as someone who causes blindness at the beach, she also sucks at being “alabaster-skinned”.

wouldn’t that analogy only work if there were rumors like that?

the “all but” is sorta the essential element of your sentence there.

Though, once upon a time we didn’t have to dumb down all of our news to make it simple for people to understand at the expense of accuracy. Sad really.

She’s not a ghost, she’s a Thetan.

Who is this mysterious “no one”? Herbs have been examined for a long time. When something useful shows up they seek out the mechanism of action and replicate it in a controlled way as medicine. How many herbs of historical medicinal value have been shown to do nothing at all? Most. The ones that have were turned into