
But he is still correct. The Sikhs were targeted because the idiots think a turban means racist. They had no idea they were Indian. I’d say the danger of being a Sikh and mistaken for Muslim is more prevalent, but that doesn’t equate to risk to this woman.

sure, but I don’t really see that as a distinction that makes much of a difference. They are political appointees that are usually replaced with new administrations especially if there is a change in party. I’m anti-trump and and a politically active liberal, but this seems to me a focus on a minor point when there

according to the guy that fired all 93 under Clinton, few permanent positions were determined at the time. This was well covered during the Bush MID-TERM firings.
“Former acting attorney general Stuart Gerson, meanwhile, wrote that it “is customary for a President to replace U.S. Attorneys at the beginning of a term.

This does not appear true for the case of Clinton.

On the other hand, I thought that getting laid was the primary reasons men became ‘musicians’?

New York really is a different place, isn’t it?

this isn’t a gag order it is a condition of settlement typically in exchange for $$$.

That is almost enough to make me want to go to Coachella.

yeah, but she buried the lead by a mile.

this post, on the other hand, definitely is smarmy.

Long Island. That pretty much sums it up, right?

I think it is probably a nice guy, someone that you would enjoy having as your neighbor. I don’t think he’s a crazy white nationalist like this administration. However, I think his legal views are far from where liberals want the court to go. I’ve seen some opinion pieces that seem to confuse those two things and

I don’t know much about the specifics of the movie, but it seems to me that so much of this depends on how it is framed. I think there is a long tradition of changing content to make it more relatable to a target audience. But it is also true that you shouldn’t try to make white actors have “Japanese features” or make

This. Plus zealous support for Israel gives additional cover for a religious war against muslims.

“Bannon courts white supremacists but there is little evidence he is one.”
Is there really a difference?

You don’t really need to provide us with photos from your photo album you rapist defender.

Correction: Yes, you totally can’t make jokes about rapists. We must shield them from even the weakest insult. Wait till you find out I make short jokes too.

You must be fun at parties. Good thing I didn’t also note that gingers are soulless.

You are also confusing the width of separation between the eyes with smaller palpebral fissures. They aren’t the same.

never trust anyone with eyes so close together.

I agree. There are plenty of sound reasons to reject Uber, but dropping surge pricing at the airport has to be one of the weakest since the motives are ambiguous at best