
must be since Moscone (mayor) died in 1978

He said “over my dead body” (too soon?)

Yes, historians do think that Worcestershire sauce has antecedents in Roman fish sauce, with some additions coming from India.

Yet religion not only drives the patriarchy there, but endorses it and the punishment. So I wouldn’t consider it in a vacuum.

Sure if you frame an argument from a particular perspective it is quite easy to make an argument look a certain way. However, it is mostly a stawman since I haven’t seen anyone here saying that people with disabilities aren’t good actors.
Obviously the best person for a role is a subjective decision with a lot of

blackface and yellowface were meant to degrade and demean. Are you saying these roles where abled actors are playing disabled actors are meant to demean disabled people? If not, then your point does not seem relevant.

Kit’s role is fairly limited range on GoT, but having seen him on stage he can actually act.

I think what is being said is that the essence of acting is pretending to be something they are not. It therefore should not be surprising that most roles are not defined by the actor sharing particular characteristics of the role. This observation doesn’t mean we can’t also encourage casting actors with disabilities

“There are many professional fields that conduct investigations - internal audit, various law enforcement, military, governmental agencies, to name a few.” Those agency all have significantly more investigative powers than a university.

Moreover, you are actually helping out the rapists by limiting their punishment to worst case expulsion. You are borderline complicit in their future offenses by kicking them out and patting yourselves on the back for doing a great job. Not only that, at a state school you risk tainting any case that the police might

You are talking in general about things you already have in your possession or that you can get from the complaining witness. I’d like to see how exactly you compel Uber to provide receipts. Or credit card companies to provide purchase records as you say to show alcohol consumption. I’d also like to see how you obtain

I don’t know, that Angelina Jolie cover photo was clearly taken for me :)

agree, though to be sure, she is not a scientist.

no I’m presuming that you don’t have the actual resources or authority to conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether a student is or is not responsible for sexual assault. You can’t get testimony under threat of perjury, you can’t do DNA analysis, you can’t subpoena phone records. You honestly think you can

It seems that almost every suit brought by an accused has found a due process violation. That seems to beg the question of whether a university can actually create a system with any teeth that also comports with due process requirements?


On the other hand, the reasons these lawsuits succeed is that the punishments like expulsion or suspension violated due process

as an actual attorney I find your confidence in your ability to perform a through investigation disturbing.

What if the victim got a TRO? Wouldn’t the rapist have to switch classes then?

I don’t think it is moral or amoral. You could argue it is immoral to seek money from an innocent party. You could also argue that the company had fiduciary duty to shareholders to recoup their costs. I don’t think the morality of it rests on how much revenue the defendant has.