
it happens, but I’m not sure how common it is. Do you have any information on that? If these are serial predators and maybe still active, I don’t think “maybe they’ll sue me” is an adequate reason for not coming forward. There are some good reasons why people can’t report abuse even if that means they are able to

you are assuming that they will want the story coming out again and again during trial rather than hope it goes away after some initial buzz. The vast majority prefer the latter.

only if they can prove it was false.

Many are suggesting that there are higher profile people involved that are public figures, which is why I included actual malice.
You have to balance the cost with the likelihood that they will sue. Most of these people would likely issue a denial and move on because a suit puts it in the media for much longer.

I’m not really buying this argument from him. He may well have good reasons for keeping quiet and it certainly would affect his career, but the statute of limitations doesn’t prevent him from talking. It prevents charges from being brought, but those are two different things. As for the “i’d be the one with legal

state courts are such a circus. I’m glad I only work in federal court.

Isn’t there a fair amount of debate about that in the psychological community? It is not an actual diagnosis, for example, in France.

What do you mean “idiot college students” I think a lot of burnt out adults would go for some adderall as well.

1,000 stars!

that’s a false choice, of course.

There is no way that a heavy charge will deter kids from getting into fights

I think most agree with that. Even without intent to kill, there is other intent to engage in an assault. Also negligence that is likely to cause bodily harm. I think the difference is really the penalties associated with an adult charge vs. a jv

That makes for a great wrongful death suit, but not a murder charge

the eggshell plaintiff is a civil rule, not a criminal one

yes, but is it an adult crime or a juvenile crime?

not a good argument since DUI homicide generally is charged less harshly than murder

Also, the majority of cotton seed in India may be derived from Monsanto’s seed, but Monstanto actually licensed it to 49 seed companies in India, so it isn’t a monopoly in the traditional sense.

yeah why focus on the US where most of the people arguing are located? Of course, you are doing the same thing by focusing on India as representative of the global seed market. However, Monsanto has an estimated 23% of the global seed market. Not shabby, but not close to a monopoly.

but it is a systematic problem that has little to do with them being GMO’s themselves, but has to do with how to grow large quantities of food. The same issues has been out there for decades with managed forest lands where a variety of tree types have been replaced by, predominantly, a douglas fir monoculture

they aren’t even the biggest seed provider in the biggest crops, corn and soybeans. How is that a monopoly?

biodiversity is an issue with agriculture in general not GMO’s specifically