
without more data I’m loath to say that these otherwise progressive cities purge black people from being called for jury duty. I went ten years without getting called and then started getting called every year (once twice in one year, which isn’t even supposed to happen and gets you automatically out when you tell

This is very true, though a problem is how to change it. For example, how do you select jury pools to get more representation? I believe the biggest source is socioeconmic bias, which isn’t racial in itself, but does disproportionally effect certain POCs who have historically had a tougher time.
San Francisco (where

It isn’t long ago that the democratic candidates were also against gay marriage. G HW Bush is a pretty moderate guy and vastly superior to his children and the other recent GOP candidates.

Look a reading comprehension failure of the highest magnitude. You know good and well how time and again people make all sorts of predictions on a post and pretend it goes down the memory hole later (and sometimes it really does based on post editing by staff here) and that there is no real accountability. But hey, at

It’s as if you don’t know I’m a different person than the one you were originally replying to. Ii guess OCD is better than complete inattention detail, right? If this is how you treat your allies who needs opponents.

I give up, you didn’t seem to bother to read what I said, namely twice that I agreed with you. I guess agreeing is “trolling.” I just said you aren’t going to convince anyone by posting a generic unsubstantiated link. That shouldn’t be such a hard pill to swallow. Nobody is perfect and maybe you wouldn’t convince

Not sure what you mean by “who gets called the least.” Summons are generated by computer according to particular criteria that could lead to underrepresentation e.g., only registered voters. That is a whole other problem though. It isn’t really that hard to see how all white juries can happen if black people are not

Sure, but that isn’t what you pointed too as if it were proof in and of itself. Again, as I said, I’m sympathetic to your position. I think there is a lot of interesting research in this area and the history bridged to the present day can be sliced a number of different ways to get some important insights. For

You may be right, though I’d like to believe that given credible evidence an all white jury would still convict. Can we archive all these comments and revisit after the trial?

while I’m sympathetic to your position, the article you cite is not a paper and has no citations. It is just a statement without even an author’s name.

a big part is who shows up for jury duty to begin with and who finds a way to be excused before you even enter a courtroom. Last time I was called up in San Francisco every single Asian person who showed up to the summons suddenly no longer spoke English and had to be excused.

no and the complaints about cereal are nonsense...but if you eat cave-person food you are probably going to get sick

I suspect there have been some changes in our gut over the centuries...

I’m in a weird position of agreeing with both your reply and the original poster...

I’ve always voted by mail. I don’t know what you are giving the OP such a hard time about. It results in higher turnout. Oregon votes exclusively by mail. You should be happy he is voting.

couldn’t it also be taken from the other direction, i.e., that being a woman is more than your parts, it is an experience and fundamental aspects of such an experience haven’t happened to someone that is transgender. I know a lot of women who are supportive of the trans community but do not equate them with women

They wanted Pierce Brosnan to be Bond much earlier but he couldn’t get out of his Remington Steele contract.

The Magnum issue goes deeper to lawsuits between Lucas and Universal.

Despite this revelation, I’m still in love with Ms. Chastain.

funny considering the widely differing answers to her question

That would be a fairer point if she had the Oscar and those box office earnings at the time the contract was signed.

Look, wage inequality is a big issue but it becomes very murky when we are talking about much more subjective valuations. Actors aren’t fungible so that you can say one is equivalent to another.