
“she would get a pass if some of her ancestors were black, but nope, white all the way.” Actually, if you go back far enough they were.

fair enough, but how do we distinguish between hormone imbalances that we recognize as a change in identity and other hormone imbalances that we characterize as something that needs re-balanced, e.g., with drugs. I’m generally all for people living however makes them happy. However, I think the biological arguments

I can’t believe you would perpetrate the fraud of pretending to be a soulless ginger.

I don’t think it is that simple. Granted I’m struggling with this like many other. I’m not sure what you mean by transgender being a “medical condition”. Is there evidence of a genetic or biological basis for identifying as a gender contrary to your genetic sex? Couldn’t you make the appropriation argument in

not at my law school.

I wonder if they controlled for time spent working? Though not a perfect correlation, I imagine a lot of high wage earners spend a lot of extra time at the office. The disparity in free time may relate to likelihood to cheat.

of course if it were midnight blue, it would actually be correct :)

agree on both points...I cringe every time a man shows up at an award show in “creative black tie”

and she continually puts out great gowns.

“Stannis is on the right track now” —Agamemnon

you were probably lucky enough not to go to law school :)

I think it is a bit difficult to give advice in this situation. It is easy to say she should tell him to stop and if not report him. In an ideal world everything would work out for the best. However, the job likely isn’t a fungible one and she may not be able to do the particular research with anyone else or at

it doesn’t. I’m just countering the naive assumption that everyone can just stay home with their kids.

aside from your obvious anger issues, your argument is overly simplistic. So if someone has to go across the country for a new job or a funeral or some other thing they are supposed to drive if they have a child?
Let me put it another way: You don’t have a right to a quiet plan, so you can chose not to fly “dipshit”

People don’t always have a choice about flying.

spot on.

See, you actually are capable of concise sentences. Now if you can just learn not to be an asshole.

I’m 6’5”...I always book an aisle seat so I can try to stretch out a little from time to time...people who don’t plan ahead are always asking me to switch from their shitty middle seat. Do I have idiot stamped on my head?

well now I don’t know what is worse...him not wanting to sit between two women or him using it as an excuse to “upgrade” his shitty seat. As a man, I’ve never dealt with the former, but the later pisses me off to no end

I’m completely comfortable criticizing religious traditions particular when they intersect with the outside world. I’d say sit by a woman or get off the flight.