
she was obviously in on it...all the bits are prearranged.

you realize it was all prearranged right?

Why? I didn't find the portrayal that compelling. Other than Bradley Cooper, who I generally can't stand, the nominees this year were extremely solid. So who do you toss to add in Oyelolo? I actually think the Academy has been pretty good about recognizing African American actors. Since 2000 you have had winners in

"That says nothing about the actual opportunities for POC in Hollywood" To me this is the key point. I don't want mandatory nominations by quota. I want roles for people of color that can be used to showcase their nomination worth performances.

I'm not sure what your point was? That the show is good at diversity? That is good and well. You want mandatory nominations for people of color in the big categories? I don't think the problem is the nominations it is the lack of quality roles for people of color much of the time.

Probably in poor taste, but it is clear it was an inside joke between people who work quite a bit together.

I think you just hang out with the wrong people...stay away from Country Clubs. We attend these regularly here in SF usually for discussions of the arts, politics, and world affairs...I guess we are boring, but it is usually a fun interaction with people from different social circles assembled by the host.

Not sure if trolling or really that stupid.

Yup, that is why I'm scheduling a TDAP update before baby is born.

Question: isn't it simpler just to get a booster than to do a blood test? Is there any harm to getting a booster when you are already immune?

Well it is Rutgers....

evaluations are usually anonymous, which probably accounts for the comments existing in the first place.

You are apparently unfamiliar with the propensity of bay area governmental entities to settle with a quick payout rather than actually take most cases to court.

So you are actually anti-free speech?

You obviously aren't familiar with the inefficiencies of MUNI!

Since they could be prosecuted for the vandalism and arguing "free speech" won't save them, I'm going to say you are wrong about it being "free speech in action"

How objectionable the content may or may not be is irrelevant to the principle.

yeah, no so much. I don't care for their ads, but they paid for them and have a right to have them displayed without being defaced. Now they will demand their money back from the MTA which causes them to lose out on needed revenue.

good grief.

I loved her statements and was glad someone said it in a place where it was broadly broadcast. But then again, I also have a huge crush on Jessica Chastain.