
Seeing as how Michael Kors rips off all other designers, can we just pretend it is one of them instead?

I'm sorry, but you clearly have never drank much. Hell, in the old days in college people would boot and then regroup to party on. Alcohol increases stomach acid production, which is the prime reason you vomit when doing some heavy drinking.

The film would have to affirmatively show rape, not just sex. I don't know what is on the film.

I don't know what happened in this case, but yes in fact you can consent to sex after vomiting. It really isn't in indication of whether or not someone is incapacitated

I'm not sure I buy that completely. If you have a drink or two you can say "I shouldn't drink and drive" and in most of those cases you probably aren't drunk enough to actually fail a sobriety test. Most people who get arrested for a DUI are way way over the limit so that you wonder how they even were able to get the

who said she was unconscious? I don't know the whole story here, just what is in this post, so I'm not trying to be a rape apologist or anything like that. I don't understand what this is about, is it about sharing a photo from an act that may have been consensual and how we should treat him because of that act or is

However, ignorance of what rape is does not change intent...all they have to do is prove that they intended to perform the acts whether they knew it was rape or not. Thus, if the intended to have sex with an unconscious person (as opposed to tripping and falling into her) that would satisfy the intent requirement.

I don't think it is "bad" most actors agree to do indie movies for little because the often wouldn't be made otherwise. They want to act in a serious movie that isn't likely to make money but will provide good cred.

I don't think their argument is going to fly because they don't really seem to understand what intent means in the legal sense, but the issue of intent is a necessary element in most crimes unless they are strict liability offenses.

Well it is based on Jane's book

Looks like you now see why movie opinions are very subjective.

So then you are also ok with people who take creepy photos of women in public hopping to get a peek of something? After all, they are out in public.

"but it took me ages to accept that just because he wasn't always up for it didn't mean I was some horrid unattractive beast because of the stupid myth that men always want to have sex and women don't"

I just can't stand Oprah anymore after she inflicted Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz on us all...

Not touching his suspicious name with a ten foot poll, but I do agree that people should deal with break-ups as adults. Maybe if I'm ever cheated on I would feel differently. THIS case seems pretty tame in reality and I don't have a problem with it. Other cases of destroying property, not so much.

I have to agree...she called him out creatively, but generally I think dealt with it in a more adult manner than many.

So according to you, black people don't read essays. Now who is making racial assumptions.

Woah, talk about jumping to conclusions

You are probably right, I'm just saying that there are a lot of clever theories that can be used to show an ongoing crime if the prosecutor is clever enough. It was a bit painful digging through the original NYT article on her conviction, but they never claimed she shot Foerester. So the paragraph above about her

But if you flag down a cab, which is the traditional model, you probably aren't tracking the driver's ID. Note that with Uber you have their picture and license number that pops up when you request so you know a) that it is the right car and b) that it is the registered driver. They can't turn it off when picking you