
Hello out there in the empty cosmos of post-Kinja AVC! I completely agree with the reviewer that the interpretive dance episode is pure genius, and I usually hate interpretive dance. I did a 5 episode binge last night and even the weakest of the episodes are highly entertaining.

I was in Battery Park where vendors also aren’t allowed to ply their wares; lot’s of knockoff goods being sold by (mostly) immigrants. The vendors know this and the Park Rangers know it also.

So I am sitting there and all the sudden this drill Sargent-esque Park Ranger marches over to vendor who is trying to sell

Those are not analogous situations.

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

It must be a bitch casting for this play if you want to put on a performance in Asia or Africa or something.

Listen, fellow White people who are “kind of understanding where they are coming from”, let me help you out here.

Where they are coming from is: “We care more about our mission to protect the feelings of a dead white man than to passively allow racial progress and not be the perpetrators of racist outcomes”.

In the

I’m sorry but a mixed race marriage might generally be remarked upon but wouldn’t necessarily be remarked upon in the one evening the play takes place on. 

To be fair, this fact is literally in the title of the show.

This is rape.

I know. This is the type of show that points out how black contestants are treated on reality dating series and proceeds to treat them the exact same way.

Adam's comeuppance was pretty extreme considering he was just a guy trying to play the game like everyone else. What kind of lunatic is Jeremy that he would keep up that charade, only disguise a bitchfit as a wedding proposal? How gross is Rachel that she relished in rubbing her relationship with Adam in the other

Thank god this was a short update, I am still trying to catch up on all the other articles from today. I cannot absorb this information fast enough. (AND YET WE STILL DONT KNOW WTF IS ACTUALLY GOING ON)

I don’t know if you’re black or not, but as a reminder: I am.

The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.

Alternate Fox News approved course titles:

I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on Gawker:

We try Kara, God knows we blue Texans try - but damn gerrymandering makes it nearly impossible, even if we have the numbers.

it's pretty great that they're self - iding though. Like thanks for telling us you would murder black people if you get the chance. Note to self: steeeeeer clear.

I am starting the cultural competency consulting firm where all news stations, magazines, and public figures can run their racist tweets by me and I can let them know it's a bad idea. I will also wear large trench coats like Olivia Pope while doing it. How much should I charge?

These parents: Not very smart. I was two or three when my dad decided to shave his also very large beard off. Knowing my brain wasn't fully formed and that I'd never seen him without a beard, my parents figured I might be confused or traumatized by the experience. So Dad sat me down on the sink while he shaved it off