what is it, bad take day here on kotaku?
what is it, bad take day here on kotaku?
They’re probably thinking something like “great, additional talented hands so maybe I won’t have to work 60-80 hour weeks on our next project.”
If you know anything about Cyberpunk 2077, an open-world romp about committing crimes with
neo-John WickNeo/John Wick
They have an astounding ability to craft amazing lore, but not so amazing in-game story. I still love their games though.
OTOH, when I think of quality game writing, I don’t think Bethesda. Not that I think their writers suck, just that it feels like company-mandated commitment to blandness.
I mean, these giant mods always seemed like a good way for people to build a portfolio rather than actually release a mod, so good for them
It’s all very American storytelling. I wrote a lengthy post about this in the past: it’s an American story told through and anime lens. All of the characterizations, the arc structure, and the usage of multiple seemingly-filler episodes is meant to give you understanding of the characters current motives and who they…
So you’re saying that you think it'll…Tank?
As I said on the tweets, Cowboy Bebop is one of the defining Anime series’ of all time, and one that almost single-handedly introduced a massive number of people to the medium via Toonami. It’s also one of the few properties, in any medium, that is as close to perfect in it’s vision and execution as a thing can be.
While all the GamerGaters are shit heads, and people trying to sack individuals they don’t agree with is disgusting, Price is a total fucking asshole and has proved it multiple times in her social media feeds. ArenaNet did the right thing by letting her go. No one wants to employ a public facing person with zero self…
Disclaimer: I am just talking about Jessica Price here, the other episodes of harassment are shitty and unacceptable and I am NOT pro-gamergate here.
Of course it’s going to be an action RPG because it’s not a remaster, it’s a REMAKE.
All of you seem to have the same problem: “Respect my childhood game, but I want a new experience!”
How the hell are they supposed to give you a new experience if you don’t want them to change anything?
Midgar is going to end up the…