
Well, that’s always been part of the show. Rick always tries to temper Morty’s personality, because a cocky Morty who does what he wants is dangerous, as you can see in Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind and in Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat.

Is it just me or have a lot of the episodes this season had a theme of Morty trying to gain some agency in his relationship with Rick and Rick vindictively punishing him for it? Even for a show as dark and cynical as this so often is, it’s starting to feel a little mean-spirited.

Feel better now?

This isn’t necessarily what people are going to want to discuss the most when talking about this episode but, seriously, the vaping ban is absolute fucking horseshit and is a rather transparent example of the government being bought off by big tobacco. All of the people who died were vaping some kind of dodgy THC

Yeah, it felt like the show I remembered had been cryo-preserved. It got the band back together and felt 100% a part of what came before. The hand-drawn animation, the callbacks, the jokes for the grownups.

Having just now watched this, I think I can say without fear of co tradition, that this was the best revival of a 90s property I have ever seen in my life. It managed to perfectly capture everything that was great about the original while also evolving the series in a was that felt both completely natural and

Rocko was good and all but I'm just waiting on Invader Zim. I'm going to annoy everyone I know to watch it multiple times in hopes that Netflix will order it for a series revival. 

I thought it was really well done in a way that only Rocko’s Modern Life could be. There are layers upon layers here - just like the old show. Rocko himself really nails the kind of internal struggle of the 30 year olds who grew up with the show. Caught in the middle of a rapidly changing culture, quickly accepting of

I was thinking about this yesterday. I haven’t been thrilled this season, particularly with how June has been directly responsible for three deaths, but it was (ironically) Waterford who said something that put it in perspective for me. it was along the lines of “She’s not the June you remember, she’s changed, and I

yeah and its a totally different story! I mean I hated June after she got the other haindmaid shot and bullied her before.. but this.. I kind of get it. And at least you can see that June isnt happy about Mrs Lawrence’s death

As a person who works with people with serious mental illness, I found the portrayal to be very realistic to what I have seen. They appear to have been going for a bipolar w/ psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder route. I don’t think her behavior was so much purely agoraphobic as it was a reluctance to go out

She appears to have bipolar with psychotic features. When crudely medicated with whatever they were able to give her, she was a recluse. When manic, she could have done anything.  

I was strongly reminded of Jane’s death in BrBa. Walt didn’t intentionally cause it but he had the opportunity to stop it and chose not to. It was an ugly moment with long-lasting repercussions and death toll that revealed dark truths about Walt that echoed until the end of the series.
Jane was an addict, but young and

At the very least, he likely feels that June’s reprimand of Eleanor was the inciting event for this particular suicide attempt.

AND another thing about June’s (bad) decision here—June remaining in the Lawrence household was dependent on Eleanor remaining alive! Commanders without wives are not issued handmaids! I was half expecting that Aunt Lydia’s reason for being at the funeral was to whisk June away to the Red Center until she could be

You’re giving Lawrence way too much credit. He’s a monster that took away the rights of millions. The only reason he was willing to help those children was to get his wife meds. She’s dead now, and any guiding morals that might have steered him are gone, too. He doesn’t know what happened between Eleanor and June in

But that’s not how they felt in the moment—instead, it felt like the show taking a breath to celebrate the power of its heroine.

A whole generous B- for what is, as far as I’m concerned, the best show on TV and certainly the most centered around women’s experience of any show I’ve ever seen. I see parallels to Breaking Bad, another show I loved, and yet can’t help but notice people are far more unforgiving toward June, living in a literal

Re: Switch: She grew up without human contact, so she turned to David during his hedonistic phase — the exact opposite of her father. Turns out that David just regards her as a possession, exactly like her father after all. It’s subtle — and unpleasant — but it’s a small character arc for her. Asking for her

A few years ago, I was run off the road while riding my Harley. My exposed arms lost quite a bit of skin to the pavement on my way into the woods. I had very bad road rash with a few deep gouges thrown in.