
Because Pusha is calling it an album, and there isn’t really a set boundary on how long a release has to be to become an album nowadays (if there ever was). Dude has artistic reasons for dropping a 20-minute album and we’re just rolling with it.

“I’m supposed to be this great detective”

So, when you attack vegans, you’re being reasonable. But when I suggest that you’re wrong, I’m self-righteous and angry.

Don’t treat brands like people. Hamilton Nolan, Jr. said so.

This headline makes no sense. Why are we praying that Vin Diesel is driven insane?

And so addicting! Especially the cocaine white cheddar.

Also true.

Sweet Pea became my low-key favorite character this episode. “Woo! Fuck yeah, real school! I’m gonna wear a turtleneck!”

yo, made an account explicitly to say you suck. the guy you keep bashing, agree or not, made fair points and didn’t get emotional. you were condescending from like 1-2 replies in. you suck

I’ve been saying it for the better part of 30 years, so I got this:

Ah shit, that sucks. RIP. “Party Music” might be my fave Coup record - you can’t beat the ever-topical “5 Million Ways to Kill a C.E.O.”

I’d say so I hadn’t liked a record of theirs since their first... it’s very different, with lots of afropunk and dub influences, and a great stable of contributors out of their elements. Future on a political song... sure, why not? Ed Sheeren on a weird downbeat dub track, sure. Andre3K out of retirement, Kendrick on

Desus Nice said it best: “eminem still out here making motivational rehab music for returning war vets” 

In a weekend where N.E.R.D. and Brockhampton just dropped two late year contenders for AOTY, this album seems especially lame and out-of-date in comparison. With all the great current producers and rappers Eminem could have collabed with, the fact that every beat on here is either some milquetoast Alex Da Kid/Skylar

I kinda want to force you to listen to the entire discography of Death Grips and ask you to reevaluate that statement.

“Better raps than Encore” and “better beats than Recovery” is such a low bar to clear and definitely not the same as a “good album”

For me, Fast Food is a pejorative because as it is now Fast Food relies on, and propagates, 3 enormous ills of American society

When I first saw this allegation pop up on Twitter, I thought Ad-Rock was the one being accused and my heart sank through the floor.

Right, I'll put you down for a C+.