wait wait wait what the fuck kind of comparison is carter 4 against hell hath no fury.
wait wait wait what the fuck kind of comparison is carter 4 against hell hath no fury.
dre is famously not productive actually
he is the best part of the movie and completely believable as a psycho
dbz and anime in general has been a pretty solid cornerstone of the internet rap that jaden is adjacent to for year and years.
stakes is high>>>
the run of movies with the sound off, delusional thomas, and faces PLUS producing a whole Vince tape melted my brain at the time. i couldnt comprehend the 180 he did.
If you would have told me when like blue slide park dropped that Mac would be one my favorite artists and a central influence on all these other people I love I would have thought you were crazy but here we are. Him and Earl and Vince and all them got me through some particularly dark times and I’m fucked up over this
i havent been a fan of Vic’s music but his direct action has been very good and i appreciate him. also the interview with desus and mero where he talked about being willing to beat the breaks of Akademiks was good too.
are you referring to me quickly coming to the decision that i liked a very tightly constructed album by an artist ive been listening to for 15 years, or that Clayton’s review was published too fast for your liking.
American Gangster is an A record.
Will always give a turtles movie a shot
T be fair it’s kinda batshit self indulgence that makes ghost so good
lotta people where saying it was a wrap after duppy was released, which, uh, seems like a ridiculous thing to say. pusha t isnt meek mill.
i like basically all the pusha solo records, but they usually have a couple filler joints. this record is crazy front to back. first listen i was like “oh this is weirdly lowkey” and then because it was 22 minutes i ended up listening like 4 more times while i edited photos and uhhhh its good folks.
I hate kinja. I can’t tell if it edited correctly but I meant I DID like scary hours
I didn’t click with the new single much but I did like both songs on Scary Hours alot and have been playing the blocboy song quite a bit. Also sneaking with 21 Savage from a minute ago.
As a general rule all parody rap is not good. This is ok and I thought a few of jokes were funny.
bibby gave me anxiety
probably delicious if i had to guess
rap snacks are real though