I believe you’re thinking of the 1990 version of Captain America, which was probably more expensive to make than the Corman FF, but was not nearly as good a movie.
I believe you’re thinking of the 1990 version of Captain America, which was probably more expensive to make than the Corman FF, but was not nearly as good a movie.
The argument for not allowing the government to police hate speech is fairly straightforward though: Do you trust the government to say what speech is hate speech and to police that speech?
I’m not advocating for a particular answer, but I do think there are compelling interests against criminalizing hate speech. I…
Hate speech is free speech, true fact. But that doesn’t mean private employers have to indulge employees’ free speech. Carano’s never going to get her job back, and Musk is just flushing his money down the toilet. He’s got plenty to spare, but that’s not questioning everything. That’s just being a dumbass.
He identifies himself as “team terf” - just google him along with “terf” and you’ll find articles about it. Whether he is or not is up for debate, but it’s definitely what he says he is.
Sure there were better, but not of this style. Daggerfall was pretty unique in what it was.
I’m a bicentennial baby! Get off my lawn, young mfers!
Yeah, but Steam didn’t actively remove it, a la Godus. So that’s something.
It’s possible they don’t have access to a licensed photo of the original NES nor the means to take one for themselves. I’m in the journalism industry and took a look at what’s accessible to my publication under “Nintendo Entertainment System” at no added cost, and came up with nothing. (We do have an AP sub that’d…
You already went above and beyond on that photoshop, I wouldn’t worry. It is very good.
This seems like what Elon wishes the Cybertruck actually was.
Hey, you use the boat how you want to, and let Tzepish use the boat how he wants to.
Maybe the poster meant “bad, ass Thor movie.”
I think it’s Arbor Day.
The marketplace of ideas has nothing to do with a speaker’s individual financial success in profiting from his or her views. The fact that Murray has a job and is listened to is irrelevant to whether the marketplace is working.