
Definitely Albanian and the first name sounds like she likely has Muslim origins (that she’s obviously rejected). I think she’s just mentally unhinged. Her facebook rants that have been quoted in news articles about this are the ravings of a very unstable person.

No, it is not fucking cute. And if it’s not cute on a kid (who, apart from his shitty little entitled attitude, cookie-mongering, and sarcastic fucking voice, is pretty goddamned adorable), I don’t know why grown men* think they can behave this way. They’re not nearly that cute. And we are all Linda.

If she’s Albanian and clearly not a Muslim one, I am going to put down five dollars that she as well as her family had problems with Muslims LONG before Trump came onto the scene. Like before 9/11 even happened. There is no love between Christians and Muslims in that area.

Because the country was occupied and large number of people were forced to convert. The Christian minority is very substantial.

Oh, no- men will still mansplain to female teachers, and everyone will bow down to the male teacher as if he invented teaching and literally pees champagne. They are usually assumed to be geniuses and behave as such.

I felt a sting of recognition when that was posted. Worse is, that kid is at least mansplaining for a bigger purpose: getting cookies. Mine does it just for the fun of it.

It’s the same problem with “trigger warning.” Trigger warnings for people with PTSD who experience literal physical reactions to certain situations make sense. Trigger warnings in the sense of “Anything that anyone, anywhere, might find upsetting needs a content warning” are absurd. But the term is used in the latter

Well, now I gotta boycott Sean Lennon. Fuck. I mean, I’d never heard of Foxygen so boycotting that was gonna be easy.

Someone should mansplain to Sean why gun control is stupid.

—The word is believed to have spawned from a 2008 essay by Rebecca Solnit called “Men Explain Things to Me.”—

Oh, I don’t think a mother is responsible for policing her son at this point, but I’d love to read her talk about how the moon or the whales are sadly lowing because Jimi would’n’t’ve cancelled a concert, either, so Sean’s not wrong, etc. I can’t capture her diction, but you know what I mean.

Yeah this guy is a grade A douchebro and all but I feel like the real story here is the girl saying she was abused by one of her band mates and yet they somehow have a restraining order on her? Or got her banned from Joshua Tree or something? What’s going on there? O.o

I'm not shocked about Yoko. I love her to death (I know, I'm weird) but Sean is her golden boy...

He’s mansplaining the word mansplaining. O_o

I’m equally surprised that the son of John Lennon would turn out to be a cock.

Meanwhile, I told my therapist what mansplaining was this week and he (an older white dude) thought it was perfect and couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard what it was yet!

You know who I’m really disappointed in? Yoko and Cher. They should’ve tweeted something respectively “zany” and “cutting, but with emojis” in response by now, effectively quieting down this little, unimportant boy.


Someone please explain his logic that because mansplaining has “man” in it that makes it sexist because ??????????? I do not follow his idiocy woops reasoning.