
While I’d normally agree that whiteness/non-whiteness and American-ness/non-American-ness would usually be a factor, I doubt many Americans were/are aware that Kercher is mixed race. I followed this story fairly closely, and I just thought Kercher is white. I’ve certainly read about Kercher’s parents and their media

I honestly doubt anyone in the US was aware of that. To us, she was simply “British”, which is generally just considered a version of “white” (and yes, I know there are Brits of all races, just saying the generalized impression), with no additional information given.

Yes, and that is why I was a little hesitant to post — at the time, whenever somebody would say, “Uh hey, maybe she is innocent?” Eighty buhjillion freaked-out Brits would appear saying things like “WEEL I HOPE SOMEONE KILLS YOU AND LETS SEE HOW YER MUM LIKES IT!!!!!!!!! YER DEVIL-FUCKING GIRLFRIEND FOXY KNOXY IS A

I didn’t watch the entire thing because I got frustrated halfway through so maybe they do eventually address some of the complaints.

I’d be more understanding if Kercher’s murder remained unsolved, because I imagine it’s psychologically more difficult to give up the idea that a certain person is responsible when you have no idea who is, but they DO know who did it, and he is in prison. Justice has been served in this situation. A person has been

So did you miss the comments from people who have lived in Italy and dealt with it first hand, or are you purposely ignoring them in your quest to be obstinate and holier-than-thou?

My point remains, this attitude of “don’t criticize unless you’re perfect” is dumb. Maybe you were born recently and missed the “Making a

Most normal (not Italian or Brit accounts) say she wasn’t doing cartwheels, but was actually doing yoga stretches after having been sitting for several hours of questioning. Still sort of an odd thing to do, but as a fellow Seattle/UW hippie chick, I’m sure at least half my girlfriends in college would have done the

Meredith wasn’t white? I am looking at a picture of her now, she totally looks white.

Oh I’d be interested to hear your take on it. Did you think the whole thing was just bullshit? I was, like everyone else, obsessed with Making a Murderer when I was watching, and then annoyed with all the things they left out afterwards.

Calling her behavior “cavalier” is ridiculous. How many psychotherapists or psychologists have to chime in explaining the wide variation in reactions to trauma before people stop doing this?

So what evidence is your hunch based on?

I may get attacked for this, but the British press coverage, and the response of the readership, was just as baffling/terrifying as the Italian legal system. It looked at the time like some weird echo chamber was created between the British tabloid press and the Italian courts, goading each other and whipping each

I have seen her on the bus a few times and it always hit me so hard how much stigma is associated with her name, and everyone having an opinion of her, either as a murderer or a martyr even though they have never met her. That is a lot of weight to carry. The times I have seen her, people have just left her to

He implicated her and Sollecito after he had already confessed to the murder. While in jail, he changed his story and said that Knox and Sollecito had been there and participated. And then all of a sudden, he got his sentence reduced. Weird! What a coincidence.

I have not forgotten Meredith, but the way her parents were so certain of Knox’s guilt — and are to this day — in spite of a total lack of believable motive and evidence really bothers me.

I’m glad that they’ve decided to present it this way; with dual views. Making a Murderer was so incredibly frustrating to watch as someone who lived in the area at the time Tersea Halbach was murdered.

I’ve read so much about this case and simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how so many people still think she’s guilty. Maybe it’s because I lived in Italy and can totally imagine how convoluted the entire justice system is. Italy has had like 60 governments since WWII. Only one Italian government has lasted a full five-year term

I went to a public high school in NJ during the height of Chris Christie’s fights with the teachers unions in 2010/2011. One day I had a medical emergency that required hospitalization. I’ll never forget lying on a stretcher in the ER, struggling to breathe, surrounded by 4 teachers and the principal who all came with

THIS^THIS^THIS! I mean, do you guys have any idea how much they charge to go to college there, and how enormous their endowment is? The mind boggles that they could not get a grip to send someone (counselor, college administrator, Campus PD, nurse from the health service, basically any sympathetic warm body who is

Good lord, at the very (VERY) least they could have had Public Safety take her to the hospital rather than making her get a freaking Uber.