I don't like to be mean about names, but Dushy Van de Sloot is the grossest sounding name I've ever heard.
I don't like to be mean about names, but Dushy Van de Sloot is the grossest sounding name I've ever heard.
What about Swine Flu? I actually managed to get that one. Good times.
I too love the bleached brows. Yolandi's will always my favorite though.
Tyra's makeovers were always sorta cruel. She would take the prettiest girls, hack off all of their hair and bleach their eyebrows. Sad...
Who the hell actually listens to Maroon 5? They're like Nickelback to me in that they're supposedly hugely popular but I have never ever met one of their fans.
Lol @ all of the people projecting their personal insecurities on this comment.
I think a lot of she shit she gets is based partly on her being petite and young-looking. I'm the same size as her, and I get comments about me being "rude" when I'm not 100% cutie pie 100% of the time. Hell, even other women get super patronizing when they subconsciously view you as inferior because of your…
For real. She's a stunning ethereal goddess and he looks like a sleepy foot.
I know you're like president of the cool kids club on this site, but that's no excuse for being an asshole and shitposting for attention.
I went to high school with her. Can confirm that she's obnoxious.
Somehow this reminds me of those people who buy those hyper naturalistic baby dolls to act out their parenthood fantasies. The VICE doc on them is fantastically eerie.
Exactly. They want us to be punished. In the end it's all about controlling women.
That's why I'm assuming the two girls who were nominated aren't actually the bullied girl's friend, but just did this for internet attention.
Yeah this seems massively patronizing.
I was wondering why the comments were especially shit today.
She's an A-list actress, not some farm girl who's never left her home town. Christ these comments are weirdly paternalistic.
I was thinking tennis player from outer space. Alien tennis princess.
The top is cut very oddly. It looks like a black sports bra to me.
This comment should absolutely not be grey. Brilliant summary of everything that's fucked about this story.
I'd say it's much sadder that porn is one of the few industries in which women out-earn men. I mean, damn.