I know defending porn is like your thing (based on your comment history), but you're fooling yourself if you don't see a trend.
I know defending porn is like your thing (based on your comment history), but you're fooling yourself if you don't see a trend.
How old are you? I'm 22 and references to "beef curtains" are pretty much par for the course (part of why I don't date men my age).
She died?! Thank goodness! I had the displeasure of meeting her, and damn she was a bitch.
This woman and Sylvia Browne both need to be pushed into a volcano.
For once Katy Perry is completely right. Mercury in retrograde will fuck you up.
It's a lot of issues compounded. My mother was an older single mother, and she never saved for or planned for her care once she became elderly. Though I am only 22, I have had to financially, and occasionally physically support my mother due to medical problems. This is all while I'm trying to support myself in NYC on…
Having an older mother (44 when I was born) convinced me that it's not a fate I'd wish on either me or my child. If I don't have a child before 30, I won't at all.
Yes! I love how big black glasses make me go from sweet young woman to stone cold bitch in an instant!
I wear mine on the subway because they make me seem even less approachable. It makes me look like an asshole, but I am an asshole so I don't even mind!
Any time I start to seriously consider online dating I read an article like this and then I remember why I don't.
Tangential but, ladies who run outside: how do you deal with the harassment? I've been wanting to take up running, but my first attempt resulted in an insane amount of sexual comments from men. I've been too scared and demoralized to try again.
No way.
My initial reaction was that Zendaya looks much, much too young for the role. I'm sure a lot can be done with makeup and wardrobe but wow, she does not look a day over 15.
I don't really think so. Eastern European women just favor a style that is more appealing to men. Short skirts, more obvious makeup, big heels.
It looks like a photo shoot to me. The thing to the left of them looks like one of the legs of a tripod.
The restaurant I worked at served both chicken and pork katsu curry. One guy asked me what the difference between them was. I told him that, well, one is chicken and the other is pork. He insisted there must have been more to it and asked to see the manager...
No, in fact I would probably advise it. I lost my virginity to the first attractive guy interested in me, and the lack of intimacy really affected my self-esteem.
Are you not aware that you sound completely fucking obnoxious, or do you just not care?
That is absolutely heartbreaking. That's the type of disappointment you never really quite recover from.
Don't get be fucking started on the tea shit.