
How the SHIT did the Blackhawks earn a 7?!? This entire list just completely lost all credibility.

Get some coffee.

As a Tottenham fan, I have to say this doesn’t surprise me in the least.

What the SHIT was that usher/stadium employee doing? Was he “punishing” the dad for reaching over the railing? Why not give the dad’s daughter the ball? Dick.

That girl is ‘mirin hard yo.

It’s like he knows exactly what to do to make me, personally, a bigger fan. I REALLY don’t want to meet this man now. Could you imagine if he weren’t really cool!?!?!

I’m picturing the first HOF plaque that shows the player’s head dodging a disembodied hand.

I hope that, if they do put Beltre in the hall, they either put a plaque up for Andrus as well, and it’s not only next to Beltre’s but so close, it’s actually touching Beltre’s.

I’m generally opposed to putting “-gate” in the names of over-hyped “scandals” but the fact that I get to be alive during something called “fartgate” makes my life complete in a way I never thought possible.


I love that you can be tossed from a game for looking sideways at some umps, but the whole team leaves the bench and bullpen and not a single ejection. I know it would be tough to decide which players to toss and which to keep, BUT STILL.

Drew Magary sums up my feelings about country music far better than I ever could. And for that I thank you.

What a wonderful use of the U.S. justice system. This is true injustice that MUST be addressed!

Here’s to Chance the Rapper bringing some positivity and raw talent from Chicago.



In Derek Norris’s defense for swinging and missing and not being called out? I’m not sure why he needs defending here.

FIFA - “Going that extra mile to ensure you continue to hate us as an organization.”

July 5th word of the day.