
Fine with a hoodie?!?! Have you been to a night game at Wrigley in April? It’s 15 degrees colder in there than anywhere else in the city.

Message good of out a make was this hell who the huge sign to thought a?

“You throw like a Yankee!!!”

Dude is mad ugly

Your daughter calls you "Butt?" Does this stem from the "____________ in your butt" bath-time jokes or is butt humor prettymuch a constant in the Magary household?

Clarkson's twitter as of 4 hours ago (latest tweet) says he had yet to hear anything.

I did the same with gummy worms to a buddy of mine who would have slept through the bombing of Dresden. He had worms in both nostrils for hours while he mouth breathed in the sleep of the dead.


No love for the Koosh ball?? YOU MONSTER!!!

Kid's got some SERIOUS Holy Ghost!

There are very few times when it's as hard not to laugh as it is when your golf buddy is so mad at his game that he does something irrational like this.

You're right in that I generally appreciate support for anti-discrimination measures.

They could, and a lot of them do, but one of the perks of owning a vastly popular and private business is getting to throw your weight behind causes you (personally) want to support. You get to use the influence of this entity that you own to support things you want to support. Essentially, the owners are individuals

These teams are privately owned organizations, and their owners/ownership groups probably extensively weighed the potential effects this would have on their fan-bases. Even that is a somewhat cynical view to take -that these aren't principled people who are using their influence to support a cause they believe in.

Did Rask not try to break his stick after this? I love to see mad Rask.

I'm hoping that there's no follow-up story about the twitter outrage put on by fans of these teams, threatening to leave the fold or just making vile statements about LGBTQ because of this. A man can hope.

By this logic, the next time the St Louis Cardinals win the World Series, we should simply cancel all future world series(es?), because that team embodies all that is right with baseball, and it is really the best homage we can pay to the game - an eternal St Louis Cardinals champion.

That school seems to struggle with image. After attending a Northwestern/NIU football game in Evanston last fall, my friends and I dubbed NIU fans as the Nickelback of college football fandom. They were trying SO hard, never have the words "too little too late" rung more true.

This wouldn't happen to Nickelback, because the shit comes OUT of their mouths.