All Seeing

Every child should watch The Magic School Bus. I show it to the Kindergartner I babysit and he loves it now.

My mom called him Captain Von Trapp. We should introduce them!

Yeah, but he is supposed to be playing a regular guy off of the street, not a semi-moderate celebrity.

That ran post-Veep, pre-Fresh Off the Boat but I kept thinking they were going to stop airing it or edit it around him once he got a primetime TV show and moderate notability, especially after everyone was forced to also see him in The Interview.
Looks like I was wrong.

"Hi, I'm Robert Osborne. For tonight's movie, I'll be showing you a home video I made of me killing eighteen home invaders and saving Ben Mankiewicz's life. Filmed with only security footage and avant garde ideals from the inside of my Los Angeles estate and co-starring our now former producer Ted Turner, here's

I freaking loved Thunderbirds. I'd pay good money for a sequel. That movie was my childhood.

What about a DETECTIVE taking down BATMAN's enemies in a world WITHOUT BATMAN (yet)! That'd horrib—fuck

The Punisher will get its own slightly more heroic take from former Criminal Minds showrunner Ed Bernero. He sees The Punisher as more of a standard police procedural, with Frank Castle working as a “rising star detective” in New York who moonlights as a vigilante “seeking justice for those the system has failed.”


I'd pay to see all of those. I would just be afraid they'd turn Kate into a bitchy socialite that she has bypassed by now.

If it's done really well it could be good, but I more imagine a crazy vigilante killing people until he realizes killing people isn't good and starts just sending them to jail. Roll Credits

I want to be done with Vampires, though. I can see Blade being it (although trying to make that on ABC would be interesting), but I really don't want that

My money is on Moon Knight or Punisher. Both are easy enough to do on TV judging by what Arrow has been doing, and they are dark enough to be good. I think it'd work out well. But considering they are trying to make it into a darker "reimagination", I can see it being either of these.

*Cues up the Carlos Danger song*

Odd Couple on the other hand… No one asked for it, no one needs it, but it'll never go away.

But can she act? Aside from the Fast and Furious movies I haven't seen her in anything else, so I really don't know. But we'll see in 2016

Very true. But more importantly, I don't think MacLaren should just be put into Captain Marvel because she's a woman.

I agree. She is pretty underappreciated

Kevin Conroy is my Batman. He is the only voice I ever hear when I read the comments

Better yet: Dark Knight Returns Batman. Old and scary.