All Seeing

Wonder Woman: By Samuel Beckett

Are you saying she would be good or bad for Wonder Woman?

Do we need a female director? Like, is it wrong not to care about the gender of the director? If they do a good job with it, I don't care about the gender of the person making the movie. And just because a woman isn't making this female superhero movie doesn't mean they have to make the other female superhero movie.

Louie has a full beard now, which really threw me. I was trying to think through the entire episode to figure out what was so different, and finally I googled a picture of him and realized he had more hair on his chin. And that's what I focused on for 90% of the episode.

When I hear REM's "Stand", all I can picture is "Requiem for a Tuesday"


Parenthood, which just had a pretty great final season, is the ultimate dramedy.

I'm going to go for Chicago Med on Thursdays at 10. It just seems like something NBC would do. Because they're NBC.

It really depends on how you pronounce it.

My favorite was Stephanie's response of "what is metaphorically" to a question asking what a person using metaphors is speaking. It was really sad. Funny, but sad.

Stephanie was a trainwreck. I was rooting against her at the beginning because I wanted to root against someone, but by the end I was mostly pitying her. That was shameless, but really entertaining.

If it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd have even bothered to watch the first episode, and she is consistently the best actor in the show (not that she has much competition).

And I'm perfectly okay with that. It's a sitcom. But this isn't must-see television, nor is it worthy of review. It is always the same permutations, just for different reasons. If the show did more, I'd understand the need for reviews, but why read the same thing every week (again, no offense to Kyle, who does the

I've seen every episode of this show, most of them more than once. But this episode more than ever made me realize that, as good a job as Kyle does writing them, these reviews are pointless. No matter what happened in this episode, it will be completely forgotten by next week. The only significant advancement in plot

Considering they had an entire episode of 30 Rock about Respawning, she seems to know only one videogame term

Absolutely. Lillian is almost too insane not to love.

Nope, but Kurtzman and Orci are. As is Scooter Braun, best known as Justin Bieber's and Ariana Grande's producer.

Watching ten seconds of him on screen is enough to make you want to throw your TV through a window.

Have you seen it? It might be the most obnoxious and dumbest show on TV.

He's still the Beeper King of New York, as far as I'm concerned