All Seeing


Is there a single bad episode where it is "_________ & _________"? The worst I can think of was this season's Ron & Jammy, and even that wasn't horrible.

Kristina went from one of the most consistently good characters (circa Cancer) to the worst, bottoming out at the hospital last episode when she was a passive-aggressive bitch to Jasmine.

This is the exact ending I wanted. Nothing more, nothing less. No big surprises, no loose ends. Sure, things (Chambers) felt dragged out into this episode, but I like that it put a bow on the closing of one of the only consistently good shows I watch anymore.

Bonnie Bedelia has always been the secret weapon of the show. There weren't many stories for her to carry, but she gave 110% every time without fail. Her look at the end was a killer, and her going to the hotel in France at the end made me bawl, which is hard to do even for this show. Props to her for doing the most

Hannibal! Yes! That is a good show. But the two longest running, non-Lawn Order shows on NBC are both ending this year, which probably isn't the greatest sign.

I'm still slowly waving goodbye while it floats away on the funeral pyre it's built through Tanking.

Pivot? Is this actually a channel? What else do they do? Is it just people moving sofas up staircases and yelling at their children to lift with their knees, not with their back?

My mom and I have been watching Parenthood since the start of the second season, and I really am going to miss this show. After this and Parks and Rec, there is nothing left on NBC for me to watch, which also makes me miss what used to be my favorite channel. Parenthood has been one of the best and most underrated

I actually ate there. It wasn't crap food, but the service was deplorable and I felt like a moron ordering.


It has definitely changed. This is meager compared to some in my school. I know people who are taking seven this year alone and will graduate with at least 16. My parents (both in their 50s) took one apiece, which was more than was expected at the time. And thank you, it's nice to have people believe in me, even if

Bio, English Lit, English Lang, Chem, Physics, US History, Gov, Econ, Stats, Psych, and Calc. So a lot. I really like Northeastern, but haven't heard back from them yet. I didn't do any early decision things, so I've got a while to wait still. Thanks for asking, though. It simultaneously is a lot of fun/sucks to be as

This snow on Long Island has canceled five of the six midterms I needed to take, meaning I now don't have to care about school until APs/Graduation!

watching Parenthood with Mae Whitman while writing this makes it doubly enjoyable

Everyone's favorite Annplant

I'd say Her does the same

But I'm Game for a new one

She's in David O. Russell's next movie. And I'm guessing Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro are as well. And they'll alllllll get Oscars for it

She never cuts her hair again. Ever.