All Seeing

I almost remember that too. If they cast it right, I'll be fine with it. Nightwing/Dick Grayson is such a great character that he'd be a great addition to this universe. Hell, you could put nearly every character to be either/both Robin or Batgirl in this world and it would still fit. Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake,

The Man in the Yellow Hat is too busy chasing Curious George.

I have a feeling we'll get a Batman/Nightwing/Oracle/Arkham style story soon, even with Gotham on. Batman I doubt, but I really think that we'll see Bludhaven and watch Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon try to fight crime together, acknowledging but not focusing on their Batman origins. This might be more hopeful than I

I realized I didn't say it, but I do agree she is improving greatly, especially when compared to Laurel at this point in the show.

I like Iris so far. But what has she really done. Or achieved? She has potential and will likely do something very soon with it, but right now she is rigidly stuck being The Flash's cheerleader.

I'm pretty sure that I'm that cousin…


Someone write this fan fiction. STAT!

…what's the other 30%?

*Every show needs a Moira.

I'm loving this show, but there is one aspect from the pilot I wish was acted on more — the newspaper. I really want to see more of what the future could look like for these characters and just slight teasers of the future. I imagine that the newspaper will come back, but I'm worried it won't have any impact. Those

*Unzips mouth zipper*
I find that rather offensive…

I realize that, but if Iris is going to escape Laurel territory she needs to get our interest. Yeah, were only a quarter of the way through the season, but that doesn't mean that the show should take a year to give Iris a plot that we could care about.

Eddie went from the most eye-rolling character to one that could maintain my interest. I'm pretty sure that this was the first episode where he had a scene that neither Iris nor Detective West were in, so progress.
Cisco remained Cisco. I still don't see his potential yet, so unless they get him some Vibe powers soon

She does, but that potential needs to be acted on. ASAP.

Iris found another metahuman! He's like a storm…of fire. A fire-storm, some would add. Probably nothing.

That movie is freaking fantastic. Dramatic silent movies never really pull me in too deep, but this had me hook, line and sinker.

Find me a fucking Paddy Whack, NOW!!

Olive Kitteridge, yes. The Knick is Cinemax or on Cinemax Go.

That show needs to come back sooner. The amazingness of Last Week Tonight broke The Daily Show for me.