All Seeing

I'd be really okay with a Sloan Sabbith, Leona Lansing and Rebecca Halliday spin off. Leona retires to Vegas, but a mix up at a poker table leads to her owning the Casino! But there's a twist! The casino is failing and Leona paid way too much for it, putting both in lots of debt. In order to make back her money and to

Toby Flenderson plays Toby Flenderson. There are no two way about it. And I really want to know how Toby got this job at the EPA.

Thank you for this episode. This is what we have waited for for three seasons.

But lots of Hank. Lots.

Could someone make a parody video of "Too Many Bravermans"? I feel that is necessary…

Kristina handles everything poorly. This is a woman who decided to run for mayor because…

Just noticed that the caption on the picture reads "No."
That is the best way to describe Kristina. She has been a bad character ever since her cancer arc ended.


Sin's actress is going to be in the new Scream TV show. So she has that going for her…

I looked it up. This was what he said at the time:
Except between me discovering the F+ and me posting this, someone found the bug and fixed it! Curses! I will just give this an A-, which we all know is worse than F+ anyway. F+, to my mind, sits somewhere between A and A-, sneering out at all of us and occasionally

I remember back when they formatted the website that Todd found a loophole in the reviewing system that let him give American Horror Story an F+ for a few minutes, but someone got rid of it. In his mind, an F+ is equal to an A/F grade. So take that as you will.

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Do you have a least favorite anything? Anything at all?

- Laurel is actually Taylor Swift in disguise, but she is really trying to gain lyrics for her newest album by dating everyone in Starling City. She is secretly jealous of Felicity's relationship with Ray Palmer
- The introduction of Wildcat is actually a red herring, and Ted Grant

I developed some slight respect for Cisco in his Adventure Time shirt, but other than that he's still the worst.

Because who knows how Eddie died. Or if he will die. Or can die. This is all just speculation at this point.

It's the Ape District, you baboon! Right next to Banana Republic!

Yup. But I still bet on that happening in some way, shape, or form by seasons end. I'm just hoping it isn't Joe West who bites the bullet.

Freud would have a field day with that picture up there…

The twist is going to be that Gorilla City is a store in downtown Central City, providing all of your Gorilla based needs!