All Seeing

Sean Penn? Is that you? You look… different…

They knew they would be airing six days later, I assume they would account for it.


I don't know why I didn't know that, but it makes me so happy. I didn't watch Prison Break, so I mostly know him from writing Stoker, which was pretty intense.

I would agree, but the scene at the trivia game was amazing for all four actors. The highlight of the episode.

Stupid Midterm Elections, ruining our fun!

Felicity Smoak—girls want to be her, guys want to be with her. She is perfectly perfect in every way, mostly because she is freaking awesome.

I was expecting her to say, "I would, but I'm working for Ray Palmer, who is like you but can walk and is young, so…"

Felicity is a better character than Iris and Laurel, so naturally we think she fits better. That is as much the writings fault as it is Rickards's great acting

Hey Oh!

Human? Because all of the characters are not actually animals?

I called the killer from the first word she said. Far too telegraphed to be intense. Also: Eat the rich.

Writing for Logue is probably the only fun part of this show. His character is already present, so they don't have to tease (read: shove down their throat) anything about him.

Can they kill Nygma? Do we really need him?

Did it not mention that they are shacking up in a 1980s YMCA? Or that the "foreman and his brood" are the village people?

I'm the greatest good you'll ever have!

Can I get a show ala Rubber of just that Basketball? Please?

This is going to be good, because if it has a level of quality it will actually be good, and if it sucks the cast is strong enough to make it fun to watch. We all win, on Netflix!

Well that sucks…

The way it worked was that me and three other students went and saw it. I was the only movie buff and the girls got star struck. After the movie but before we met them, the guy in charge pulled us aside one by one and asked, from 1-5, what we thought of it. I said a 1.5. After asking the others, the average managed to