All Seeing

Were you disappointed that you didn't bring a chainsaw? I would be…

You are the Winner of the Internet

The Way of the Future!

On Long Island, our paper Newsday runs a feature called Kidsday, where a different Middle School class from across the island was selected. My class was picked and my teacher nominated me to go into the city and see a screening of a movie and interview the stars. So on the plus side, I got to interview, talk to, and

I think we all are. But I can almost see how one could call them friends. Maybe just acquaintances…

I think that they are friends through their associations and knowledge about/with Oliver. They both know this secret, only two of about ten (living) who do. They are bound together by that.

Absolutely. Her not reacting to the coffee was pretty funny, too.

EVERYONE has failed that office.

That's my hope.

True. But if done well, this could be a good line up.

… I can't give myself a job, silly…

I'm pretty sure that the League of Assassins and Ra's al Ghul are our big bads this year.

I didn't think of that watching the episode, but when I saw the picture at the top, that's all I could think of.

That and the "are we friends" line were amazing. Best of the episode.

Laurel seems to be getting more and better story focus, so I'm anticipatory. She's been good so far, and now is the first time I can see her as a hero, but never replacing Sarah

Felicity getting the hand me down office (Walter —> Moira —> Oliver —> Isabella) is an interesting passing of the torch. But her reaction to having an assistant is fantastic. "No Coffee."

Diggle: I spy with my little eye…

Manhattan hasn't been Manhattan since Woody Allen went to Europe! The freakin commie!

Sarah Jessica Parker has responded to the comments of the Perry Street Association!
A reporter asked if she agreed with the comments made by Gerard Banu, to which Ms. Parker answered with a curt "Neigh."