All Seeing

Guys, can we adjourn this argument and say that the opinion was hung?


I like it. The main story wasn't too great, mostly because I disagreed with Iron Man's stance, but some of the side stories and tie-ins were worth it, and it let Brubaker kill off Captain America. Which was awesome.

I like that movie a lot, but I can do without him being the brain of Marvel. His original work is much more his speed, and the Avengers will be above even his skill level in a few years

Can we get a Frontline movie along with this? This is what the public really wants

My Name!

The Gospel of the Lord, Praise be to Whedon

If they make it less about identity and more about signing up to fight with the government, we have a world to work with. Otherwise, you are completely right.

If this is pulled off, we have had a fucking miracle. If not, we have…well, nothing like this has ever been done before, so who really knows. Fingers crossed.

Here's the story
Of a crazy family,
And the woman who
ruined their whole story
and the grandpa
who hates his son-in-law
If you know what he means.

The first sex scene. The second sex scene was when mom said, "why are we watching this?" By the third, we were past it. It's not that bad, compared to watching Game of Thrones with my dad.

Thank you, Thank you

…Can someone make that show?

That is the gift/curse of CW- They will renew anything people watch. But when that anything has been on for 10+ years, it doesn't stop if they have the ratings.

Can't believe you're going, I hope you enjoy your new job. I might actually need to read Salon, now. Oh god.

As in the recognition that made me say "damn, why didn't I start this when it first aired? It's great!"

Oh baby, baby it's a faked-suicide
Unless the father actually really lied.

I'm okay with not having a real story for the detective. If they gave him more of a story, they'd have to give away more of the investigation. I'd be fine with more, but not yet.

Ironically, I thought the opposite. I assumed that most of what he said was made up and she was telling the truth, but that is the joy of this show—who really knows! And while I agree about the grandpa, that is another piece that could be skewed by the man.

I have faith. I watched the first season of In Treatment over the summer, and how she handles characters is so smart and different. I think she can pull off all of the generations and sides of the cast and stories.