All Seeing

The AV Club

If you think The Flash was campy, you ain't seen nothin yet!

TV Barry is part tragic Comics Barry, part JL-Wally West. It should balance it well, if given the chance to be itself.

I think that he's the Negative Flash that killed Barry's mom, but is is time traveling or is he tapped into the "Speed Force" and can be anywhere at once.

That is tomorrow. The sooner you get through it, the better. A better show than any other comic book shows on air.


So Arrow fans—was that Arrow-Grapel something from the show I forgot, or is it something else?

I'd say so. There will be crossovers, but it wouldn't be a good show if it didn't have any independence.

Can we be honest here—who is doing the research, Barry or you?

It was, and I cringed a bit at how they got to the position, but it worked in the end. But the actual last joke was another bad ending, the third this season. The might as well just get rid of that last 15 second segment, because they've put it to waste.

This season on Gotham!

Yay, rhyming!

I'm with you there. No sense giving up until they find their footing. If it is still suffering at midseason, maybe it'll be time to quit. But for now, why not keep watching.

Ivy Pepper/Pamela Isley. They are basically the same amount of corny and the second at least makes sense, so why even bother changing it? And if anyone is more eagle eyed than I, are they spelling Riddler's name "Nygma" or "Nigma"?

I agree. Sure, the lesbian romance is one of the most stilted things in the show, but if they are at least putting the characters into a romantic and deserved relationship, I'm pretty okay with it. And for 1996, this is actually pretty good. Now what channel is 3rd Rock on???

Penguin, Bullock, and Alfred are doing great work, and I also don't hate Bruce or Gordon. The characters work, but the show doesn't.

That was the second Pyg red herring in a row, so that is leading me to commence

I've been rewatching some of the first season, and it really is amazing how much the show has grown. I literally am counting down until the new season.

"Hey Balloonman, how does it feel to be hoisted by your own petard!"
How does Gotham have worse one liners than CSI: Miami?

Did…Did I just laugh out loud at an episode of Big Bang Theory? What's happening to me!?!?
But if this season plays out more like this episode, I'll start to really like this show again. Fingers crossed!