All Seeing

I saw Robert Sean Leonard and my first thought was "Dead Poets Society reunion!" Then I got really sad.

Thank You!

During the scenes where she was exploding at her parents, I couldn't stop laughing. I had to explain Todds reviews to my mom to prove im not crazy.

People aren't vicious, but conversations are short and only about college, and you try to keep to yourself.

I'm thinking the same thing, assuming the series is successful.

I get that, but she was way too into the boy. You don't make friends on these tours. College tours are kill or be killed.

I am going through the college admittance thing right now too, and while I agree that the Dunphy plot was (as usual) the best of the night, every aspect of their college search was flawed and stupid. I get not going somewhere because of distance, but going to a college based on a boy you met once is just insane, and

That trailer is everything I don't like about AHS, while the titles are everything I love. That is why I watch the show, to see the freakiness, not the campiness, nor Pepper, nor the word "freaks" uttered fifteen times. Mind you, I'll be watching the show anyway because I'm broken, but still. Great titles, bad trailer.

My dad watched that show last night and started raving about it to me, saying I'd love it because it was so nerdy. My eyes have never rolled further into my head.

Everything about this show is five years too late.

I got "operation" based off of the empty heart, Continental/Black, and eye surgery, but I couldn't piece it together. In all honesty, we'll all need a retinoplasty if we keep watching this show.

I found that almost insulting. And sure, I'm not the most athletic, but I just don't volunteer to do athletic things. #NotAllNerds
Yes, I'm going there

This is one of the only shows that my whole family (a younger brother and my parents) watch together, and I think I'm the only one who has gotten sick of it. I am the only "nerd" of the bunch, but I actually have started to find some of the jokes to be more and more insulting than comical when regarding how geeky the

Upvoted for Hello Kiddie. Bravo.

DID YOU KNOW THAT RICHARD KIND IS JEWISH!?!?!?! I didn't until he said l'chaim. Completely dumbstruck by that one. Twist of the year.

That was the only thought on my mind, but she seemed too delusional, not calculating like Swinton.

Actually, if they started laying the ground work for that now and didn't act on it until a season or two from now, they will become the most daring show on TV.

Next episode, Alfred calls Bruce "Batshit Insane". Than both actors wink at the camera.

Sassy Galore?

I heard that in my head as Statler and Waldorf laughing.