All Seeing

"So people are sleeping in a hollow? No? You say its about the Headless Horseman and American Historical fiction? Can't we just call it 'Headless History' and call it a day? Fine, but when people hate your show, don't come crying back to us…"

If your son finds a way to connect this, Constantine, Arrow/The Flash, and BatMan of Steel for Justice in one universe, please tell the world. He's writing gold here!

That was so not Raven.
{{Upon reading this comment, Bruno Heller added Raven to his list of "names to drop" with a grin}}

I don't know what's worse—that you're probably right or that I'd love to see that.

An operation?

I got the Pyg thing too, and the name drop of Dollmaker made me roll my eyes (unless they back it up, in which case more power to them). I think that the show is a treasure hunt—Where in the World are Arkham's Inmates?

I just don't know. This is one of those shows that I wanted to like but had little faith in, and my fears have come true. I was expecting Gordon to be the White Knight of Gotham PD, the only good there is in a department of bad. Instead, he sits idly by whilst Bullock beats the crap out of perps. I wanted more on the

I share a name with Liam Neeson and Liam from One Direction. So I either get bad singing or bad impressions of the "Taken" speech. But a lot of them.

Afterwards Modern Family, I walked into the other room and saw my brother watching Happy Gilmore, and it took a few minutes to recognize Julie Bowen. I thought that it was Maura Tierney until I heard her voice. She has actually aged better than almost anyone in hollywood, hasn't she?

Same around me about lacrosse. I'd go as far as to call it the douchebaggiest of all high school sports now, save for maybe football. But the "Lax Bro" culture is sickening. And I should know, considering my younger brother is the epitome of said Lax Bros.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that one of us is adopted.

Field hockey is popular… nowhere. And while I agree that Ice Hockey and Lacrosse are also very white sports (admittedly, lacrosse is also pretty Native American), you can't sink much whiter and lower than Field Hockey (this coming from a white high schooler who runs cross country at the whitest school on Long Island).

I liked it so far. I'm reserving judgement through the next few episodes to see if it really is worth the watch, but there is nothing else on and I laughed out loud at this show tonight, so I doubt I'll be stopping, if just out of fear of boredom.

I really wish this was true/possible. If they get Sin in either this or Captain America 3, I'll die a happy man.

…So that answers that question…

I need to see that movie. I love Sam Mendes and Maya Rudolph and Krasinski, but I've never gotten around to it.

They aren't?

Where did John Krasinski go? He was great on the Office and good in Leatherheads, and then… Poof? Has he been in anything successful or notable since The Office ended, or has he been collecting garbage while launching a grassroots ad agency.
…Probably the latter.

Wait, so that ISN'T how Alex Trebek answers any question you ask him?

A new book from the writer of "I'M SMARTER THAN YOU" and "THE COCK-EYED OPTIMIST'S WHITE HOUSE" and co-writer of "HOW TO RUIN A PILOT" with JJ Abrams, Aaron Sorkin has done it again, crafting another outstanding look at the trails and tribulations of an Oscar and Emmy award winning writer trying to explain why "WOMEN

I'm convinced she is a Democrat as well, but I went through the entire show again at the end of summer and they barely even say the words Republican and Democrat, let alone flatout mention what side of things she is on. There is the episode where everyone is deciding on abortion but in general the show tries to stay