And people wonder how we got Evony.
waitwaitwait, 25 year shelf life?
waitwaitwait, 25 year shelf life?
Oh yeah, and Mark Kirk knew that at the time when he said it. Like I say, this was not a first offense.
She dealt with those folks during her campaign. The incumbent who she defeated liked to say xenophic things like, “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your ancestors from Thailand came over to fight in the revolution”.
I’m of two minds. One, we don’t know what was behind the decision, but her brother is not helping—he’s just ensuring that the higher ups know that any missions she’s included/excluded from will come under undue scrutiny in the public eye.
Because I’m actually referring to the original Destiny.
This is why I went back to D1. At least that roller coaster is over, and there’s an end in sight to all the stuff I want to accomplish. Once I have my last class exotic and raid exotics, I am probably done with Destiny. At least until they make D2 exotics as worth having as D1 exotics...
The prequel to D2, the survival horror game on Sega Saturn. /troll
This is not going to be a popular opinion, but...
Chiming in to say this guy is wrong as well. I am friends with several exes still, and it’s fine. Sure, I have some exes I have cut out of my life, because they have caused problems in my life. But it’s up to me to make those decisions, and my partner to have enough trust in me to trust my judgement.
Dear angry ladies and gentlemen anywhere of all ages, creeds, gender identities, ethnicity, etc.
I hope she steps up to chair his companies. Because that would have him rolling in his grave.
I play guitar. Rock band on mute leads to more mistakes. That game took care to let you trust your ear when it told you to play and synced up the game play very well with the music.
Plenty. They did lots of this stuff with D1 in the lead up to D2 release, just nobody was around to complain.
20 is generous. In fairness, the “third coast” isn’t so bad!
I also don’t recall even a group of 30-somethings get through a D&D campaign in 12 hours, period, let alone in one day.
White guy here. Sometimes shower at gym. Mostly prefer not to.
I’ve heard this justification from friends of mine even, for why catcalling overweight women is OK. (Because it makes their day)
I can’t be the only one amused by the fact you said, “Don’t go all Mike Pence on her”, and then you proscribed one of Pence’s rules about Alcohol consumption.