
These nightclubs exist. I haven’t gone into them, but I was wandering around by myself once, and ended up chatting up a french-canadian guy who was trying to get people to visit his strip club in Roppongi. We had a friendly chat, since strip clubs aren’t my thing. His parting advice was, “Avoid the African bars”.

Historically, being a US born citizen hasn’t prevented latinos from being deported. (See: Mexican Repatriation) We’re just a little bit off of such a movement, a prominent national news case about latino criminals, and an executive order removing oversight of CBP and ICE. CBP can already claim jurisdiction over

Indeed, just in normal play I found 2 places to glitch out of the map. Couldn’t do much with them (that I could figure out), but they’re there. There’s a lot more promising areas as well.

My kneejerk reaction on what IB is missing now: Loot.

And it goes without saying that we have the same old crappy p2p networking system as before. The lag last night was insane. Guys not taking damage, or running off and killing 2 guardians before all the damage they took caught up with them. Player teleports, all of it. Same old problems which they said they addressed

I’d say it’d bother me more to cheese a raid, if raids didn’t have so much inconsistent behavior in the first place. Many dozens of times, I’ve had a team wipe because an enemy with no teleport ability teleports, or dies and comes back to life, or a timer counts down too fast and a phase ends almost immediately, or

Still kicking myself that I didn’t buy that NeoGeo AES console for ~$190 when I went to Tokyo in 2009. Went back last spring, and none were to be had. Stateside, you can’t score one for under $300.

This looks pretty sweet. I don’t like fishing games, but I spend a lot of time and effort on real life fishing. I even once in a while go spear fishing, which is super badass when you manage to spear dinner. This might put me over the edge on buying a particular VR headset.

Because programming is hard. Especially when the programmers are as overworked and underpaid as they are in the games industry. Not that Enterprise Software is immune, as I’ve seen plenty of that in my career.

It isn’t, and I didn’t say it was “equivalent”. The scenario brings some plausibility to the dumpster find.

This stuff happens from time to time. True story.

I am still missing 2 exotic armor pieces and 5 raid exotics. If anyone wants to help me wrap up, you can look me up on XBL under the same name as I am posting from here.

Weddings can be times where already strained bonds finally break. I suspect that there is an element of not wanting to sever ties with the sister, but by not taking a stand now it is just kicking the can down the road. I have seen this play out both ways with friends of mine. I would say that the people who took a

Blocks from my apartment and office.

The exotic sword quest should only take an hour of done right for the material gathering...

Read the article before watching the vid. Was all, “Slavery? That’s not a raci...”

You mean beyond that part where black artists basically invented rock and roll and also the precursor styles? Lol.

Don’t forget the historical bit about the Banjo. It’s now a total redneck instrument, but it’s African in origin.

Some tips on how to look badass while fishing:

I am loving this article. Keep up the good work!