Great article, and very much how I feel as a white guy.
Great article, and very much how I feel as a white guy.
Not to mention, if one bothers to ask what their partner wants, the answer isn’t always an orgasm, sometimes it is intimacy.
I would go farther and say the cabinets were probably well made enough that they could sell them to bars. Definitely a Name cabinet or similar emulator platform.
The best time to play Destiny was during that window between TTK and a few patches ago when the exotic drop rate got nerfed, and they reversed the change which tried to have exotic engrams drop stuff you didn’t have yet.
“the white people who rail against the mothers who use food stamps to feed their children”
Destiny 1 brought auto-sharp for greens. Enabling it for blues would slow your mote/coin drop rate.
“Currently closer to 35. I do agree with you about your values do change as you grow up. “
Young adults are not what I was referring to as fringe (the research/researcher is not mainstream), but since we are talking about it: they make up the minority of the population. I would say you are onto something if you had quoted studies that show the same thing outside of the 15 to 21 age range. Shockingly, I…
“Look, I’m not saying men and women can’t have a 100% purely platonic friendship (they can)“
Loved the beaches at Chennai. But holy hell is the sand hot. Dusk and dawn is the time to go.
Well, to be fair. If one wanted a glamorous profession with virtually no risk of pooping one’s self on the job, it’s a long list before UFC.
Great points. All ones I’d make. And as a dev, I’d classify this as, “This decade’s thing that’s a neat toy for Devs, but not really anyone else”.
Great points. All ones I’d make. And as a dev, I’d classify this as, “This decade’s thing that’s a neat toy for…
This lady is mentally ill, I think.
“Why would a guy choose not to have sex?”
[Citation needed]
Human being: Your shit opinion you claim as fact is wrong.
You should have no problem quoting said research then.
That’s a bunch of malarkey. Dudes that say this are themselves just secretly hoping to bone every woman they know. Not all guys are like this.
Goddamn right the Gjally comes with a Titan!
1% would be incredibly high, in fact. Most devs never deal with netcode, period. Source: I am a (non-games) dev.