
Here’s why: It’s super hard to estimate how long something is going to take to finish until you try. It’s the same with enterprise software as it is with games.

Kind of agree. The looks like what the first or second expansion should have been.

The ability to not have to go to orbit is something they could give us today. If they were not so concerned about using it as a carrot on a stick.

I dunno. I’m a day 1 player, and although it had some rough patches, it’s now the game everyone hoped it would be.

I doubt you know why we consider the middle finger vulgar. But, on point, everyone in the world pretty much watches American films. They know that it is offensive.

The Nixon comparison has been made since the start of the election campaign. Only appropriate it continues.

It’s true. A strong Kentucky twang I tend to associate with dumb hickery. And I’m white. From a state which crosses (barely) the Mason-Dixon line.

I don’t even have to imagine what my conservative leaning acquaintances will say. It’ll come out that the kid had been drinking, and all of a sudden it will be OK because he was a “Thug”.

As a male gamer, I feel like I got my money’s worth from her videos. =)

Alternate take: Make coffee ice cubes.

Alternate take: Make coffee ice cubes.

Lolol! To be fair, I am a white dude, but I used to have very long hair which was naturally straight. I took a trip to India, and decided to try what the locals do, which is put coconut oil in your hair. I had on good faith from an Indian coworker it was “very nice”.

What definition of cultural appropriation are you operating off of. Your last response suggests that it is not the textbook definition.

2 words: Pat Boone. There is a long history of black artists not having their songs become popular until a white artist did a version of it. And that, my friend, is cultural appropriation. I’ll leave the exercise to you to look up how many of Elvis’ big hits were written by black artists, since you brought him up.

Lol. Data mining. These kids and their misused technical terms. Reverse engineering.

Pretty much this. Also appropriating (and thus making “safe”) black culture has been going on in the US since long before my pale ass was born (see: Rock and Roll).  I don’t totally understand it, but this is just the latest iteration.

The reason it’s creepypasta is singularly because the guy hasn’t released the build of the game he’s using. If he really wants to figure out the mystery, the way to do that is not to post videos, it’s to share the game itself.

The first guy needs to sit down, take a deep breath, and get over himself. Making money is not the same as having money, which is something he’s going to find out real quick if he starts dating a gal who likes guys who make money.

Was gonna write the same thing, basically. Shit, seeing this, they need to have replay modes where they mix up lots of stuff (way more than race and gender). Why not, right?

Then let me correct myself by saying: you’re wrong. Zelda maker would work, and RPG Maker is a proof of concept. There wouldn’t be much competition between the two products because there’s very little overlap between Nintendo gamers and PC gamers (the former tending to stick to their walled gardens). It would

Soooo... RPGMaker doesn’t exist in your world I take it?