
Reads like more stuff will drop at max light level than what we have today, and at assured light levels (not “up to 320" like you get with IB).

“a PVE version of Trials of Osiris”

I’ve dated more than one woman who made more than me—one actually quite a bit more.

I don’t think they care about what it looks like. You think he would have been let in if his name was John Smith, and he looked like Kevin Spacey?

Found Verdict is the shit, but currently useless in IB/Trials. Felwinter’s is total bullshit, lol. I still use Found Verdict occasionally in vanilla Crucible.

I bought one a while back. It does not work very well.

I bought one a while back. It does not work very well.

Why? We can’t play console games in 4k. And we can watch precious little video in it.

Why? We can’t play console games in 4k. And we can watch precious little video in it.

Off topic, but “Netflix and Chill” does not mean what you think it means.

Was it the story kicking in, or was it Delilah going cold once she wasn’t bored?

I think it would be good for everyone involved if we move to a model of software protection that focuses on the first year of existence for that software, at least for Games.

$18 is a pittance for experiencing something so unique. I am still mulling over my weekend playthrough.

Funny thing is, a skilled player now can burn through 40 levels in about 6 hours of playtime, spread over a week.

Now that is a grind.

Cue the Destiny hate from non-players in 3...2...1...

Sounds like you need to work on self-control, patience and mindfulness. You’ll play even better if you take steps to keep a cooler head. Probably live longer, as well.

Nonsense. I ranked up to level 5 by Sunday (almost could have Saturday), and I ran completely with Rando’s with no mics.

Loving the hate in this thread.

I know people twice as interesting. But they aren’t pretty, and their parents aren’t famous.

I don’t mind the lack of content *too* much right now.

“I’m the kind of person that always wants to be with somebody”