
I bought one for $25 on ebay a while back (scratched up faceplate, but I just bought a new one). Then another $15 for a flash cart to run emulators and homebrew.

I don’t recall that, but the one that really floored me was Mirrorthrone’s “So Frail”.

I also discovered a bunch of new bands. Even the established bands mostly had deep cuts, and not their hits. So great.

Wow. She is really beautiful.

So glad I turned in my last Iron Banner bounty this morning for Rank 5. lol

I think shotguns are sort of where they need to be. I think maybe my beef is with specific OP shotguns.

Maybe he should try the Chaperone

Not a crucible player, are you? They have been nerfed, and nerfed again and still are too powerful in PvP.


You probably need to look up what ‘Strawman Argument’ means.

I solved this problem by buying all of them.

Troll keeps trolling. Hooray!

All you guys that bought the special redbull:

The comment I was calling out (whose context you should revisit) was written by a white male from the west.

Are you an MRA, per chance?

“For the record, R. Mika’s butt did not make me uncomfortable”

Ehh, not that impressive. Verizon hired a team of software devs to do all the heavy lifting.

Except that streaming is laggy, and the glasses sort of low-res. (Have actually tried them)

You ever bought cabbage or sprouts?

Good on you! I am a player as well.