Those were the days. When PC’s ruled the earth.
Those were the days. When PC’s ruled the earth.
Ehh, I suppose. The weapons collections are the only reason a lot of people are playing the game.
Couldn’t say, as I haven’t played those games.
Destiny’s most insidious aspect, imo.
If you have time to wait, a non disassembly method is just to submerge completely in clean water (batteries removed), then air dry or put in a bag of rice for 5 days.
‘Cuz haters gonna hate. They can’t stand people with differing opinions.
Do the Japanese have a genetic advantage?
If they release a ‘Rose’ gun to go with my ‘Thorn’, I will be changing my handle to “Brett Michaels”.
If Destiny’s popularity holds out, you can expect a book.
Saint-14 is great, and it helps, but I had a team of 3 fully armed bubble titans with Saint-14, and even then we couldn’t take Skolas with lightswitch on. Angry is much more doable.
Exactly right! Once my plot succeeds, you will have to resort to physical activity, and I will reap the X-prize Michelle Obama is funding.
After reading your post, I went out and bought another copy of Destiny out of spite.
Self describing post. Well done, Mr. Recursion.
Don’t get me wrong; I agree. We need, and deserve, more content. Better narrative, more missions along with more maps.
Couple things.
Complaints about repetitiveness fall under “Mechanics”. The maps are huge. There is a good number of them. It’s not quite Fallout, but it’s really big!
For all that people like to rag on it for X, Y or Z reason, it is legitimately one of the better games of the last couple years.
Having seen my fair share (and not an unfair share) in person, many when drawn wouldn’t “look right” animated. But they are perfectly fine, even so. =)