
I actually like the new voice less.

Stuff like this is why back in the day, I played the TrackMania Sunrise demo far more than I even did the full game when it finally came out.

Fine fine, you and 2 of your friends.

You’re blind. Of course it all seems bland to you.

I am no kid. In fact, I probably make more money than your father.

Core gameplay is very enjoyable, which many people have said. It really is one of the most fun run-and-gun experiences I’ve played, with some flaws in its MMO DNA.

You don’t seem to want to work particularly hard for rewards in-game, so yes, you would fit the description.

Nonsense. You toss out a whole game because you don’t like one aspect of it. Typical entitled gamer.

Want raid loot? Use LFG.

Destiny has its issues, but is much more than a slot machine, as I’d mentioned. You just don’t have the patience and determination for the meta-game, as I’d explained.

To expand on my point about your lack of gumption:

I seem to have proved that you lack gumption.

Naysayer obviously doesn’t have Fatebringer yet.

Going back to my defunct account on Xbox, I realize now how painful Destiny is before you grind yourself the top tier weapons and armor.

Sure maybe. Japan has also gone special lengths to be western-friendly. Starting from around 1850, and including a massive change in the language after WWII.

China has the power to make a unique console that is not terrible.

Quite true that the Japanese syllabary lines up nicely with English—I spent most of college learning it.

Interestingly, the Japanese I know never use American names. They don’t seem to have much self hate either.

Case in point that the Muppets was always adult: