Hagbard Selina Kyle


Or just put it in the title right? Like “What’s On Tonight: The Tick is here to save the Friday”

You ever notice how Ayn Rand is obsessed with trains? You hear about this? These folks know. She’s crazy about the trains. I say hey Ayn how about you find another way to RAIL against the government! Am I right folks? Is this thing on? Don’t check. I don’t need help. I’ll do it myself. It is on. I guess the

It’s kind of cheating to pick the series finale to a long-running TV show, but I rewatched the US “Office” series finale recently and man that last twenty minutes still hits hard. Andy’s “I wish I knew it was the good old days while I was living them,” is a genuinely moving sentiment.

C’mon. Many of major websites try to establish a brand and then turn it into a cheap blog.

I’ve been posting since the launch and I’m still grey. Claiming my account didn’t work...this blows.

I too would like to, uh, say that I have this issue. In fact I have like 4 burner numbers for some reasons.


This transition hasn’t worked, I’m still in the grays, I don’t think my accounts synced at all. Great job, AVCLUB.