I was thinking that but then I realised that I shave my bits before a doctor has to go near them and brush my teeth before I see the dentist and sometimes I stack the plates for my restaurant server.
I was thinking that but then I realised that I shave my bits before a doctor has to go near them and brush my teeth before I see the dentist and sometimes I stack the plates for my restaurant server.
Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.
It is indeed a rich tapestry. Woven by the cast of GoT after a monster three day rager and all of them are about to die if SOMEBODY DOESN’T QUIT BREATHING SO LOUD.
What a douche. What a punch-able face. Blech.
“Never underestimate the desperation of a single woman on the Upper West Side.”
So now I can’t even trust the creepy dudes who jerk off in public bathrooms any more? Thanks, Obama.
Okay, dude. You were doing a “public” service your “mean” wife doesn’t approve of.
“let’s not attribute any more benevolence to this man than we absolutely must.” Must we attribute any at all?
yeah wow he’s so hot
Linquisticly this article is all over the place. First Gs are dropped in many different places, age ranges and nationalities. For example Boston and Nantucket where Trainor is from. New Yorkers like Ashanti are big G droppers which is why there is a similar sound. So are Irish Americans. Texas and Chicago are two…
Take Elvis as an example. He might be the poster boy for “stealing Black music”, but that’s how he grew up. Gospel music, blues music, he was southern-fried all the way. Lots of people disagree, but I believe he came to that sound honestly.
“If a black girl had the marginal vocal talent that Meghan Trainor displays, she would not be famous.”
I hate Meghan Trainor’s music. But.
Why do Americans talk in a British singing accent?
This is apropos to nothing, but I rarely hear accents at all when people are singing. When someone is singing in English, they could be from New Zealand for all I can tell.
And what are y’all gonna do to stop her from singing then?