
Sometimes I get down on life, but then I remember that Weird Al just had a rap battle with Chali 2na

Oh my God, that moment is sublime.


Jesus, I can't believe how many fucking Arrow partisans there are out there. True Detective forever.

His excuse was growing up in Ethiopia.

It certainly was a piece of crap car, though I can't remember specific make.

There's a semi-famous Lyft driver in LA (Lyft is basically Uber, but more laid back. Pretty cheap), who dresses like fucking Batman. My friends and I got him once. It was…awkward. He didn't really talk about his ludicrous getup. He even had the fucking Dark Knight theme playing in the car. Swear to God, Los

I agree, I kept my mouth shut, but my buddy thought it was a good idea to call him out. Whatever, we were all a few drinks deep and survived the awkwardness.

Last weekend my friends and I got in a drunken argument with an Uber driver. He made a homophobic comment about a billboard in West Hollywood that depicted semi-nude gay guys, of which he disapproved. My buddy couldn't let it slide, so it became this big to-do, so much so that he drove right by the bar we wanted to go

Me too. Five or six beers and I'm tired as fuck at work, what the hell? I don't think I slept more than two hours throughout college.

I wish they had given him more shit to do/say. Coach Benjamin should have had a pissed off team speech or something.

Wrong True Detective episode too. The episode with the tracking shot in Beaumont is the pinnacle of the show.

That crossbow is just made for killing prostitutes.

A badass fucking monkey who fights Gary Oldman

It was total Army of Darkness vibes to me.

Well I haven't.

What joke?

Shit, I forgot that guy even exists. Seems like there's a good chance any recently dead guy could come back. I hope we haven't seen the end of the Hound.

Straight Rob Roy style. If I ever get in a sword fight, it seems like grabbing the sword is the way to go. Catch them napping.

I'm not gonna lie, I laughed like a loon when the Hound punched Brienne in the vagina.