
Oh man, that was wonderful.

And Julian's omnipresent glass of rum…

Actually pretty useful when I'm only semi-watching a baseball game.

Shit, I can't get my XBox to turn on by voice. What a piece of crap.

You aren't alone.


Goddammit, I'm only Joe Morgan. So close.

Whenever I read Literallyunbelievable, I laugh for the first few postings, then chuckle a bit, then get seriously depressed.

That's the only way to do it.

Damn! This is a tight spot!

Noticed the trap, but forgot about it when he pulled out the gun. I hope it comes into play.

Lord Voldemort!

1. TD
2. Fargo
3-7 haven't seen.

Yeah, I'm just goofin, Lester is a motherfucker of the highest order.

It's probably a "thrill of the chase" sort of thing. I bet he gets a kick out of the new identity stuff, and also a bigger kick out of getting a guy who could not otherwise get got. Then he gets a sizable award, enough to sustain him as he sets up his next target of chaos.

That was my reading of the situation as well.

The puff of feathers out of her hood indicated she was facing away.

A Serta Sandwich?

Nah, chigurh all the way. Malvo is kind of a capering jester, more in it for the laughs. Hell, he even let Lester get the drop on him and bang him with a trophy.

They are right at the top of my personal "Odds he/she gets killed list"